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Fractals and Epidemic Process

p. 135-145


The spread of an epidemic can be studied on a discrete space into small cells arranged into a ds-dimensional regular lattice [Durett & Levin, 1994]. Each sites are occupied by healthy individuals may be infected by neighbours, after which they recover completely, they recover and are subsequently immune, or they die. Such a model is a generalisation of the differential equation approach. It corresponds to a modification of the directed percolation problem, useful to describe a large number of disordered systems in physics and chemistry. A critical concentration separate a phase where the epidemic dies out after a finite number of time steps, from a phase where the epidemic can continue forever.

In the simplest models, we assume that the vicinity, in which the infection process takes place, is a small domain surrounding the healthy individual considered. This vicinity is made up of the first layers of M = 3ds-1 cells surrounding the central cell considered (Moore neighbourhood). The purpose of this article is to generalise the dimension of the substrate by introducing a fractal distribution of the sites. For each distribution of infected individuals in this vicinity, there is a certain probability ξ of infection. Due to the self-similarity, the infection quantities are significantly modified on fractal substrate.

The fractal distribution of the sites can be related to the spatial distribution of the epidemic vector [Meltzer, 1991]. Vector distribution is a matter of suitable habitat, which is a sum of a wide range of environmental factors (humidity, soil moisture, ground temperature, parasitic-host population density, etc..). The distribution of the sites can be also related to the genetic distribution of the susceptibility of the host population. In a herd, the laws of inheritance form a discrete and recursive system which mixes and distributes the genes of susceptibility. We can propose an aggregation model of relatives around an individual, which is based on the direct inheritance.


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Bibliographical reference

Philippe Sabatier, Pierre-Michel Guigal and Daniel M. Dubois, « Fractals and Epidemic Process », CASYS, 1 | 1998, 135-145.

Electronic reference

Philippe Sabatier, Pierre-Michel Guigal and Daniel M. Dubois, « Fractals and Epidemic Process », CASYS [Online], 1 | 1998, Online since 28 June 2024, connection on 18 January 2025. URL :


Philippe Sabatier

Unité BioInformatique, École Vétérinaire de Lyon, 1, Avenue Bourgelat, F-69280 Marcy l'Etoile – France

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Pierre-Michel Guigal

Unité BioInformatique, École Vétérinaire de Lyon, 1, Avenue Bourgelat, F-69280 Marcy l'Etoile – France

Daniel M. Dubois

Institut de Mathématique, Université de Liège, 12, Grande Traverse, B-4000 Liège – Belgium

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