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- Volume 112 (1989)
- Fascicule 1
Fascicule 1
- Jean Michot
Les grilles d'interprétation des unités continentales - Martin J.M. Bless
Event-induced changes in late Cretaceous to early Paleocene ostracode assemblages of the SE Netherlands and NE Belgium - P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Martin J.M. Bless
Biostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous deposits in the Kunrade area (South-Limburg, SE Netherlands) - Martin J.M. Bless & P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder
Note on the Late Cretaceous of Hockai (Hautes Fagnes, NE Belgium) - Muriel Fairon-Demaret
Selaginellites resimus Rowe, une lycophyte herbacée du Viséen (Warnantien) de Visé - Henryk Kucha, Willy Viaene & Rudy Swennen
Replacement phenomena in Zn-Pb deposits of the Verviers and Namur synclinoria, Belgium - Katleen Maes, Carry Peeters, Philippe Muchez, Rudy Swennen & Willy Viaene
The occurrence of paleosols in the lower Visean of the Walhorn section (Vesder Basin, E-Belgium) - Frédéric Boulvain
Origine microbienne du pigment ferrugineux des monticules micritiques du Frasnien de l'Ardenne - Léon Dejonghe, Daniel Demaiffe & Hendrik Gorzawski
Géochimie isotopique (C, O, Sr) des dolomies frasniennes du Massif de Philippeville (Synclinorium de Dinant, Belgique) - Philippe Steemans
Paléogéographie de l'Eodévonien ardennais et des régions limitrophes - J.J. Lefebvre
Les gisements stratiformes en roche sédimentaire d'Europe centrale (Kupferschiefer) et de la ceinture cuprifère du Zaïre et de Zambie - Frédéric Boulvain
Observations sur la cimentation des biohermes de «marbre rouge» du Frasnien franco-belge - Anne Darimont
Veines de quartz riches en azote dans l'aire métamorphique de Givonne, Belgique - Anne Darimont
Importance du volume d'un fluide périphérique a peine visible dans une cavité intracristalline - Lutz Hermann Kreutzer
Reef-basin distance in the Devonian of the Carnic Alps - Burkhard Reissner
The Givetian-Frasnian boundary at the southern border of the Inde Synclinorium - Bernd Steingrobe & Adolphe Müller
Compared sedimentology in the Upper Carboniferous of the Inde- and Wurm-Synclinorium, W-Germany - Raphaël Conil, Eric Groessens, Martin Laloux & Eddy Poty
La limite Tournaisien/Viséen dans la région-type - Fernand Geukens
Observations structurales entre La Reid et Surister (Massif de Theux) - Yiannis Liritzis
Dating of Quaternary sediments by beta thermoluminescence : investigations of a new method - Michel Deliens
L'agardite-(Y) de Mutoshi, Shaba, Zaïre - Alain Demoulin
Les transgressions oligocènes sur le massif Ardenne-Eifel - Daniel Baudet, M. Hanon, E. Lemonne, K. Theunissen, S. Buyagu, J. Dehandschutter, W. Ngizimana, P. Nsengiyumva, J.B. Rusanganwa & A. Tahon
Lithostratigraphie du domaine sédimentaire de la chaine kibarienne au Rwanda - R. Walter, Eddy Poty, Maurice Streel, Société Géologique de Belgique & Natural History Museum, Maastricht
Assessment of paleogeographic distances : implications for applied geology
Aachen-Liege universities exchange days in Aaachen, November 27th, 1987 - Martin J.M. Bless
The Late Cretaceous between Antwerp and Aachen : differentiation in sedimentary facies as a response to tectonic activity - Martin J.M. Bless
The Ordovician of Britanny and Portugal, similar sedimentary sequences deposited several hundreds of kilometers apart - Michiel Dusar
The Westphalian C in the Campine basin : coal content influenced by tectonics - Lutz Hermann Kreutzer
Reef-basin distance in the Devonian of the Carnic Alps - Eddy Poty
Similar tectono-sedimentary evolutions and important lateral changes in a block-faulting system - B. Reissneri
Carbonate facies and biostratigraphy in the Upper Devonian of the Inde-Synclinorium - Philippe Steemans
Reworking of palynomorphs as a tool for paleogeographic reconstruction : an example in the Lower Devonian - Maurice Streel
Lateral distribution of miospores as a tool for assessment of paleogeographic distances - Volker Wrede
Relations between Inde- and Wurm Syncline (Aachen coal district, F.R.G.) - M. Zeller
Stratigraphical and sedimentological comparison between Inde- and Wurm area - Martin J.M. Bless & Maurice Streel
Conclusions - Pierre Overlau & Jos Bouckaert
Meuse-Rhine geologists Meeting
Namur - May 5-6, 1989 - Mia Demeersseman & Hans Van Hedel
Geology and informatics - Michiel Dusar, Roland Dreesen & Rudy Swennen
Geological reconnaissance in the subsurface of the north Belgium : recent results by the Belgian geological survey - Willem J.J. Fermont
Seam development and vitrinite reflectance - Philippe Muchez & Willy Viaene
Zoned calcite cements : their occurrence and influence on the Mn/Fe ratio of Visean limestones of the Campine-Brabant Basin, Belgium - Thomas Muntzos
Terrestrial sediments and paleosoils from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) in the Rhenish Massif (W. Germany) - P. Redecke & Günther Friedrich
Recent investigations of Pb-Zn mineralizations in South Limburg (Nl) and the northern Eifel - Maurice Streel, Muriel Fairon-Demaret & Stanislas Loboziak
Givetian-Frasnian phytogeography of Euramerica and western Gondwana based on miospore distribution - T. Utescher
Comparison of carbonate types from the Lower/Middle Devonian boundary beds of the southern Eifel hills and the Dinant Syncline - M. van Steenwinkel
The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary on the Dinant Platform : an approach by sequence stratigraphy - Claus von Winterfeld, Th. Schievenbusch & U. Dittmar
Deformation-analysis and balanced cross-sections of the western part of the Rhenish Massif : a new approach based on strain analysis - Jens Wagener
U-Pb-age determinations on detrical zircons of Lower Devonian rocks of the Ardenne and the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge