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Jamal Hatamian, Abolhasan Mahrouei, Sholeh Hoseininejad & Amin Mahrouei

The relationship between applying communication and technology tools with organization learning of school trainers

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
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Today’s big organizations are not able to adjust with globalization without appropriate tools and technologies like organizational learning. The organizations have to change construction or equip to new tools to be able to cope with global changes. One of the most important tools to forward to this aim is development of learning organization. This study aimed to examine the relationship of using information and communication technology tools in empowering of the organizational learning and education. This cross sectional study was included all trainers of technical & professional and work & knowledge schools. In this study 225 cases selected out of 546 students through classification sampling method. The standard tools of Information Communication Technology and organizational learning questionnaires used to assess the samples. The reliability of questionnaire was between 0/79 to 0/84. Data analyzed by mean, standard deviation, Pierson and regression. The results revealed that there is significant relationship between using information and communication technology with organizational learning of trainers. Also, the level of using information and communication technology was predicted the organizational learning.

Keywords : communication and technology tools, organization learning, trainers

To cite this article

Jamal Hatamian, Abolhasan Mahrouei, Sholeh Hoseininejad & Amin Mahrouei, «The relationship between applying communication and technology tools with organization learning of school trainers», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 778 - 792 URL :