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Hassan Fahim Devin, Toktam Bidel & Hanieh Ghasabi

Factor analysis for effective factors in group work enrichment in sport

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
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In this descriptive-analytical study with factor analytical approach, the goal was to identity and prioritize effective factors in group work enrichment in sport.

For this purpose a survey of 63 experts from physical education department of KHorasan Razavi province (who made up 84% of statistical population ) was conducted to generate response to researchers made questionnaire with 35 questions in 7 factors with factor load of each one equal or more than the base (0/45) and coefficient alpha value for reliability of (a=0/91). Data was analyzed using confirmative factor analysis (KMO,PCA), sample,t-test and friedman test.

The findings of the study revealed that all the factors have significant effect on group work enrichment. Leadership style had the first priorty followed by personality traits, reward and punishment system had the least priority.

Keywords : effective factors, group work enrichment

To cite this article

Hassan Fahim Devin, Toktam Bidel & Hanieh Ghasabi, «Factor analysis for effective factors in group work enrichment in sport», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 690 - 696 URL :

About: Hassan Fahim Devin

Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Ira,

About: Toktam Bidel

Student of PhD in sport management, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.

About: Hanieh Ghasabi

Student of PhD in sport management, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.