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Adel Gorjinia & Elham Amini

Strategies for rehabilitation and renovation of old urban, with a sustainable development approach
Case Study: Nineteen region of Tehran

(Volume 85 - Année 2016 — Actes de colloques — Special edition)
Open Access

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The phenomenon of unstable major cities , especially in developing countries, urban species found in all the cities named, old parts that is worn is expanding day by day. Although the effects of these settlements dating back to his cell, but generally a reflection of the shortcomings, failures such as the lack of municipal services and capital, uneven and unhelpful networks and pathways, and their environmental problems. Until now, Governmental and private organizations in different countries have tried to excel and rebuild old and worn parts of a city. But researches show that the most effective action on excelling and rebuilding worn parts is cooperation and participation of citizens. They can create some organizations and NGOs. In this regard, the main purpose of this study provide physical-spatial strategies, improvement and modernization of worn out tissues urban district 19 in Tehran. To achieve this objective by survey, the most important internal and external factors affecting the worn out tissues were identified. And by a factor of importance was given to individual experts, in the end, the most important factors in assessing the importance of each region were identified strategies for the improvement and renovation of old ones. The results show that the worn out tissues of the weaknesses of the area is high. And at the same time is also optimized to take advantage of the strengths and opportunities and achieve an optimal level and thus improved and physical-spatial organization is paramount.

Keywords : model Swot, Region 19, sanitation - modernization, urban distressed areas

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Adel Gorjinia & Elham Amini, «Strategies for rehabilitation and renovation of old urban, with a sustainable development approach», Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège [En ligne], Volume 85 - Année 2016, Actes de colloques, Special edition, 1717 - 1729 URL :

Over : Adel Gorjinia

Ph.D. Student in Urban Planning Azad University, Tehran Shomal Branch, Tehran, Iran

Over : Elham Amini

Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Pardis Branch, Tehran, Iran