Use of the disector to estimate the Euler characteristic of three dimensional microstructures
Robert T. DeHoff,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
The net volume tangent count may be performed on a disector sample of a microstructure; this count provides an unbiased estimate of the Euler characteristic of the feature set analyzed. For simply connected features (not necessarily convex), the Euler characteristic is equal to the number of separate parts of the feature. If the structure consists of a single multiply connected network, the Euler characteristic is the negative of the connectivity of the network.
Keywords : connectivity, disector, number, tangent count, topology
Pour citer cet article
Robert T. DeHoff, «Use of the disector to estimate the Euler characteristic of three dimensional microstructures», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 6 (1987), Supplement II (The commemorative-memorial volume: twenty-five years of stereology) - May 1987, 133-140 URL :