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14th ICSIA abstracts
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, 6-10 July 2015, Liège (Belgium)
K. S. Augusto, H. Alves, M.H.P. Mauricio & S. Paciornik
3D characterization of iron ore pellets by X-ray microCT
Cedric Balsat, Silvia Blacher, Nicolas Singolle, Frédéric Kridelka & Agnes Noël
Image analysis characterization of the lymph/angiogenesis in experimental models and clinical studies
Mariusz Bigaj, Sonia Boczkal, Marzena Lech-Grega, Monika Mitka & Maciej Gawlik
Analysis of reinforcing particles distribution in composite die-cast pistons
Christoph Blankenburg, Christian Daul & Joachim Ohser
Torsion of particle trajectories trough pore space and its estimation using information on local pixel configurations
Marijn Boone, Tom Bultreys, Thomas De Schryver, Bert Masschaele, Denis Van Loo, Luc Van Hoorebeke & Veerle Cnudde
Fast time resolved micro-CT imaging: visualizing dynamic pore scale processes at high resolution
Aneta Gądek-Moszczak, Beata Kusak & Tomasz Rojek
Measurement of airway lumen in video bronchoscopy
Jean-Charles Bricola, Michel Bilodeau & Serge Beucher
A multi-scale and morphological gradient preserving contrast
Joris Corvo, Michel Jourlin, Josselin Breugnot, Thierry Lépine & Sylvie Bordes
A new LIP framework metric applied to analysis of multispectral acquisition of in-vivo skin
Prakash Easwaran, Claudia Redenbach, Katja Schladitz & Oliver Wirjadi
Stochastic modeling of 3D fiber systems with fiber bundles and parameter estimation from CT image data
Werner Nagel
STIT tessellations – A reference model for random division processes, fragmentation and crack structures
Shen Hong, Lin Peixin, Gao Lulu, Huang Yeen, Zhang Yaozhong & Chen Qing
Stereological and pathological study on the ultrastructure of Vero cells infected enterovirus 71
Michael Engstler, Jenifer Barrirero & Frank Mücklich
Multiscale tomography study of eutectic structures in aluminium silicon foundry alloys
Maxime Carré & Michel Jourlin
Brightness spatial stabilization in the LIP framework
Feyza Ülkür, Mehmet Emir Yalvaç, Alev Cumbul, Ünal Uslu, Berfin Gizem Uslu, Fulya Özdemir & Fikrettin Şahin
Effect of bone morphogenic protein 7 and osteoprotegerin on bone formation in the expanded inter-premaxillary suture in rats
Paul D’Arras, Jean-Marie Becker, Michel Jourlin & Mohamed Bouabdellah
LIP model framework applied to fast registration of images acquired from a moving camera under variable lighting
Dorothy Oorschot, Rong Zhang, Naili Lin, Timothy Wastney, Louise Parr-Brownlie, John Reynolds & Rachel Sizemore
A stereological transmission electron microscopic study: marked differences in the number and type of synapses innervating three neuronal subtypes in the rat brain
Fenghua Chen, Raben Rosenberg, Jens R. Nyengaard & Karl-Anton Dorph-Petersen
Volume and cell number of the human hippocampus: a postmortem stereological study of hippocampus in depression, schizophrenia, and suicide
K. S. Augusto, J. C. A. Iglesias, L. D. Durand, O. Gomes, D. Pirotte, A. L. A. Domingues, M. B. Vieira & S. Paciornik
Automatic classification of hematite in iron ore
Joris Corvo, Jésus Angulo, Josselin Breugnot & Sylvie Bordes
Morphological features extraction from multispectral skin images in cosmetology
J.-B. Gasnier, B. Figliuzzi, M. Faessel, F. Willot, D. Jeulin & H. Trumel
3D Morphological modeling of a polycrystaline microstructure with non-convex, anisotropic grains
Julen Ibarretxe, Maider Iturrondobeitia, Roberto Fernandez Martinez, Ana Okariz, Pello Jimbert & Teresa Guraya
Applications of TEM Automated Image Analysis in polymer nanocomposites
Mingze Jiang, Jop Klaver, Joyce Schmatz & Janos L. Urai
Nanoscale porosity analysis in geological materials
Rémy Vandaele, Raphaël Marée, Philippe Coucke, Akos Gulyban, François Lallemand, Pierre Geurts, Sébastien Jodogne & Philippe Martinive
Automated landmark detection for rigid registration between the simulation CT and the treatment CBCT
Pierre Guilbert, Victor Deshayes & Michel Jourlin
Colour contrasts and associated metrics defined in the LIP framework. Generated neighbourhoods in the (x, y)-space
Mickaël Herbaut, Anouck Habrant, Brigitte Chabbert & Gabriel Paës
Multimodal fluorescence analysis of plant cell walls
Maider Iturrondobeitia, Julen Ibarretxe, Roberto Fernandez Martinez, Pello Jimbert, Ana Okariz & Teresa Guraya
Segmentation of laminar shape objects obtained from TEM tomography for a quantitative microstructural analysis
Patricia Jouannot-Chesney, Jean-Paul Jernot & Christian Lantuejoul
Looking for a link between the microstructure and the percolation threshold
Kaiming Yin, Devasuda Anblagan, Rebecca Reynolds, Jane Norman & Neil Roberts
Estimation of foetal brain volume using MRI and three stereological methods
Sonja Föhst, Willi Wagner, Maximilian Ackermann, Claudia Redenbach, Katja Schladitz, Oliver Wirjadi, Alexandra B. Ysasi, Steven J. Mentzer & Moritz A. Konerding
3D image analytical detection of intussusceptive pillars in murine lung
Marco Longfils, Erich Schuster, Aila Särkkä, Niklas Lorén & Mats Rudemo
Single particle raster image diffusion analysis
Joyce Schmatz, Janos L. Urai, Guillaume Desbois, Steffen Berg & Holger Ott
Cryogenic Broad Ion Beam milling (BIB) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to image pore morphology and fluid contacts in hydrocarbon reservoir rocks
Ayşegül Güleç, Alev Cumbul, Ünal Uslu & Banu Çakırer Bakkalbaşı
The effects of local platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection on orthodontic tooth movement using the Cavalieri’s principle
Victor Deshayes, Pierre Guilbert & Michel Jourlin
How simulating exposure time variations in the LIP Model. Application: moving objects acquisition
Fengqin Yu, Yijia Zhu & Ying Chen
Change detection of image sequence based on belief propagation algorithm
David Legland
Comparison of several surface area estimators for 3D binary images
Raphaël Marée, Loïc Rollus, Benjamin Stévens, Renaud Hoyoux, Jean-Michel Begon, Rémy Vandaele, Gilles Louppe, Pierre Geurts & Louis Wehenkel
Collaborative analysis of gigapixel images using Cytomine
Giacomo Aletti, Enrico Giraudo, Giovanni Naldi, Giacomo Parigi, Marco Piastra, Donatella Regano & Guido Serini
Image analysis of the vessels remodelling during embryos development
Martina Sormani, Claudia Redenbach, Aila Särkkä & Tuomas A. Rajala
Classification of points in superpositions of point processes
Joachim Ohser & Christoph Blankenburg
Segmentation of straight fibers based on 3D Radon transform
Erwan Plougonven & Angélique Léonard
Algorithmic aspects of converting surface mesh data to volumetric images
Ali H. Rafati, Gregers Wegener, Eva B. Vedel Jensen & Jens R. Nyengaard
Estimation of shape and orientation of neurons in thick histological sections by volume tensors
Leszek Wojnar & Sylwia Kosecka-Żurek
On redefinition of image analysis and stereology
Ivana Lalić, Sanja Despotović, Dragoslav Milošević, Novica Milićević & Živana Milićević
Reduced representation of collagen and reticular fibers in the lamina propria of human rectal mucosa 10 cm and 20 cm away from the malignant tumor
Markus Kronenberger, Oliver Wirjadi & Katja Schladitz
Local curvature for 3D-characterization of fiber-reinforced materials
Yong Tang, Linmu Chen, Feifei Wang, Chuanxue Tan, Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Yi Zhang, Lin Jiang, Chunni Zhou, Lei Zhang & Fenglei Chao
Stereological study of exercise-induced changes of the capillaries in the white matter of the depression model of rat
Sandra Eriksson Barman
Gaussian random field based models for the porous structure of pharmaceutical film coatings
S. Matsumura & T. Mizutani
3D printing of soil structure for evaluation of mechanical behavior
Shammi Rahangdale, Yan Ren, C.W. Hagen & P. Kruit
Multi-Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (MBSEM) at 0.5 TB/s ?
Ilinka Pećinar, Dragana Rančić, Sofija Pekić Quarrie, Nadia Bertin, Catherine Cheniclet & Radmila Stikić
Image analysis as a tool for understanding tomato fruit growth under water deficit
Katja Schladitz & Michael Godehardt
3D shape analysis for high performance grout
Saïd Rahmani, Jean-Charles Pinoli & Johan Debayle
Geometrical stochastic modeling and characterization of 2-D crystal population
Sami Bouremoum, E. D. Protonotarios & L. D. Griffin
Quantifying texture scale
J. Tchuindjang Tchoufang, H. Paydas, N. Hashemi, O. Dedry & J. Lecomte-Beckers
Development of quantification methods applied to HSS alloys for carbides volume fraction and grain size assessments
Shenli Lin & Hong Shen
Stereologic quantitative study on the vesicles in volcanic rocks around the lake Huguangyan Maar, China
Helmut Zauner, Dietmar Salaberger, Christoph Heinzl & Johann Kastner
3D image processing for single fibre characterization by means of XCT
Raphaël Marée, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin & Vannary Meas-Yedid
Automatic glomeruli detection in histopathology digital slides
Ngatiman M. Hairulhisyam, Beth Mallard, Muhamad Marlini, Peter Dockery & Antony M. Wheatley
Stereological assessment of the intestinal morphology following Concanavalin A administration in mice
Ida Eržen, Jiří Janáček, Lucie Kubínová, Erika Cvetko & Meznarič Marija
How to plan capillary evaluation on small biopsysamples?