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- Volume 2 (1983)
- Number 1 - Apr. 1983
Number 1 - Apr. 1983

Hans Eckart Exner

Ervin E. Underwood
Stereological analysis of particle characteristics
Kirill S. Cherniavsky
Stereological properties op powders and sintered alloys
F.H. White
Applications of stereology in pathology: a brief guide

Alan G. Flook
A comparative study of methods of unfolding size distributions
Dieter König & Volker Schmidt
Grain size distributions in stationary grain models
Harry B.M. Uylings, Ronald W.H. Verwer, Jaap Van Pelt & J.G. Parnavelas
Topological analysis of dendritic growth at various stages of cerebral development
Martin Sadler & Martin Berry
Vertex analysis of the growth of Purkinje cell dendritic fields of the mouse
David Michael Andrew Mann
Nuclear morphology and RNA content as markers of functional integrity of nerve cells, with application to the study of dementia
Frans van der Heijden
Compensation mechanisms for experimental reduction of the capacity in the guinea pig placenta
Pierre R. Filion & Michel G. Côté
Volumetric evaluation of pulmonary alveolar toxicity: the BHT model
Ndegwa J. Maina, Vyvyan Howard & Laurence Scales
Length densities and minimum diameter distributions of the air and blood capillaries of the paleopulmo and neopulmo of the avian lung
F.H. White & K. Gohari
Stereological assessment of the epithelial-connective tissue junction in experimental oral cancer
F.H. White & Bushra Al-Azzawi
Vascularity in experimental oral neoplasia: a stereological approach
Thomas Murray Scott & Stephen Ching-Ng Pang
Changes in jejunal arteries in spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats following neonatal treatment with capsaicin
Pierre Tankosic, Catherine Marchal, Jean Floquet & Claude Burlet
Morphometric analysis of human muscle biopsies by use of an electronic image analyser (Quantimet 720)
Jean-Baptiste Rognoni, Claude Penel & Françoise Ducret
Goitre involution: iodide as an hypervascularity antagonist
Vladimir Pantić & Milka Sekulić
Stereological investigations of thyroid in female rats treated neonatally with estrogen
Damien Schovaert-Brossault, Monique Rocharveiller, David Kaplan, Paule Michel, Bertrand Mace, Jean-Paul Giroud & Alain Pompidou
Quantitative evaluation of mouse peritoneal macrophage spreading by image analysis determination of the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio
Virge James
A stereological comparison of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and normal lymphocytes
Elaine J. Hughson, Virge James & George Hudson
Stereological studies on mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum in myeloma cells

Short notes
Laurence E. Scales & Vyvyan Howard
Some empirical functions for use in the parametric modelling of stereological size distributions
Howard J. Swatland
Computer mnemonics for the stereology of a fibrous system

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