Acta Stereologica

0351-580X 2820-6770


Scope of the journal :

Acta Stereologica (ISSN 0351-580X) has been published from 1982 until 1999 when it became Image Analysis and Stereology. It was the official journal of the International Society for Stereology and as such has been the vector for publication of the most important proceedings and papers in the field of quantitative image analysis and three-dimensional interpretation of planar sections of materials or tissues. Continued as Image Analysis and Stereology.

Image Analysis & Stereology is the official journal of the International Society for Stereology. It promotes the exchange of scientific, technical, organizational and other information on the quantitative analysis of data having a geometrical structure, including stereology, differential geometry, image analysis, image processing, mathematical morphology, stochastic geometry, statistics, pattern recognition, and related topics. The fields of application are not restricted and range from biomedicine, materials sciences and physics to geology and geography.

Periodicity :

One annual volume including fascicules (usually 2 to 3).

Publisher :

Slovenian Society for Stereology
Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Korytkova 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Eric PIRARD