Acta Stereologica Acta Stereologica -  Proceedings ICSIA  14th ICSIA abstracts 

3D image processing for single fibre characterization by means of XCT

Helmut Zauner
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Stelzhamerstr. 23, 4600 Wels, Austria ;
Dietmar Salaberger
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Stelzhamerstr. 23, 4600 Wels, Austria
Christoph Heinzl
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Stelzhamerstr. 23, 4600 Wels, Austria
Johann Kastner
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Stelzhamerstr. 23, 4600 Wels, Austria

Pour citer cet article

Helmut Zauner, Dietmar Salaberger, Christoph Heinzl & Johann Kastner, «3D image processing for single fibre characterization by means of XCT», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Proceedings ICSIA, 14th ICSIA abstracts, URL :