Three-dimensional orientation and roughness of surfaces
Michael Fripan,
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften, Seestraβe 92, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, FR Germany
Hans Eckart Exner,
Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften, Seestraβe 92, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, FR Germany
A new method is presented which allows the quantification of the orientation and the roughness of surfaces in three dimensions without restrictive assumptions. It is based on the measurement of x-y-z coordinates from stereopair SEM photographs and the determination of intersections between the three-dimensional surface and lines in 13 directions represented by the unit vectors of structuring cubes.
Pour citer cet article
Michael Fripan & Hans Eckart Exner, «Three-dimensional orientation and roughness of surfaces», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 3 (1984), Number 2 - Dec. 1984, 181-186 URL :