Grain size distributions in stationary grain models
Dieter König,
Department of Mathematics, Mining Academy of Freiberg, P.O. Box 47, DDR-9200 Freiberg, German Democratic Republic
Volker Schmidt,
Department of Mathematics, Mining Academy of Freiberg, P.O. Box 47, DDR-9200 Freiberg, German Democratic Republic
The so-called systematic point counting is proposed in order to determine the grain size distribution in stationary grain models. This procedure does not depend on the samples of the grain model, which is advantageous in automatic data analysis. The theoretical background is a general point process approach, where in contrast to the classical Boolean model, no assumptions of stochastic independence are made.
To cite this article
Dieter König & Volker Schmidt, «Grain size distributions in stationary grain models», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 2 (1983), Number 1 - Apr. 1983, 47-53 URL :