Acta Stereologica Acta Stereologica -  Volume 2 (1983)  Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983 

Stereological sampling principles and methods for the morphometry of articular cartilage

Kari Paukkonen
Department of Anatomy, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 138, SF 70101, Kuopio, Finland
Kalevi Selkäinaho
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 138, SF 70101, Kuopio, Finland
Jukka Jurvelin
Department of Anatomy, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 138, SF 70101, Kuopio, Finland
Heikki J. Helminen
Department of Anatomy, University of Kuopio, P.O.Box 138, SF 70101, Kuopio, Finland


The application of stereological methods to morphometry of the articular cartilage is considered. The lateral tibial condyle of the knee joint of eight rabbits was examined. The thickness of the articular cartilage was measured, and, as stereological ratio estimators, the volume density and the numerical density of cells was estimated by point counting. The significance of random sampling for validity and precision of stereological estimators is discussed.

Pour citer cet article

Kari Paukkonen, Kalevi Selkäinaho, Jukka Jurvelin & Heikki J. Helminen, «Stereological sampling principles and methods for the morphometry of articular cartilage», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 2 (1983), Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983, 445-451 URL :