Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège -  32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine 

Le développement régional et les organisations professionnelles agricoles en Pologne - perspective historique  

Przemyslaw H. DABROWSKI


Agricultural regions in Poland vary significantly due to contrasts in physical geography. Regional development is strongly influenced by social factors, details of which are documented in regional monographies and memorandums. Some such documents, miraculously preserved during World War II, describe the Associations of Farmers in 1938. From their origin around 1862-1865, such professional farmers' organisations developed regional characteristics. After 1945, their traditional role was abandoned and their work was neglected. However, they now could play a particularly important role and contribute towards the modernisation of Polish agriculture especially in view of its future integration into the European Union.

Index by keyword : farmer's organisations, Poland, regional development, rural sociology

To cite this article

Przemyslaw H. DABROWSKI, «Le développement régional et les organisations professionnelles agricoles en Pologne - perspective historique  », Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0770-7576/index.php?id=3256.

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