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- volume 2 (1999)
- number 1-2 - Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives
number 1-2 - Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives
Guest editor: Cecile Baeteman [date of publication: April 2000]
Quaternary geology of Belgium: new perspectives. Preface - Paul HAESAERTS, Hans MESTDAGH & Dominique BOSQUET
The sequence of Remicourt (Hesbaye, Belgium): new insights on the pedo- and chronostratigraphy of the Rocourt soil - Willy HUYBRECHTS
Post-pleniglacial floodplain sediments in Central Belgium - Cecile BAETEMAN
The Holocene depositional history of the IJzer palaeovalley (Western Belgian coastal plain) with reference to the factors controlling the formation of intercalated peat beds - Etienne JUVIGNE
Téphrostratigraphie du Quaternaire en Belgique - Jef J. HUS & Raoul GEERAERTS
Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic properties of loess-palaeosol sequences in Belgium - Cyriel VERBRUGGEN
Quaternary palaeobotanical evolution of Northern Belgium - Luc DENYS
A diatom and radiocarbon perspective of the palaeoenvironmental history and stratigraphy of Holocene deposits between Oostende and Nieuwpoort (Western Coastal Plain, Belgium)