Martin J.M. Bless

Martin J.M. Bless & Jos Bouckaert
Suggestions for a deep seismic investigation North of the Variscan mobile belt in the SE Netherlands
Volume 111 (1988)Fascicule 2 (Deep seismics and drillings)
Martin J.M. Bless & P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder
Note on the Late Cretaceous of Hockai (Hautes Fagnes, NE Belgium)
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
Martin J.M. Bless
The Late Cretaceous between Antwerp and Aachen : differentiation in sedimentary facies as a response to tectonic activity
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
Martin J.M. Bless
The Ordovician of Britanny and Portugal, similar sedimentary sequences deposited several hundreds of kilometers apart
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
Martin J.M. Bless & Maurice Streel
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
Martin J.M. Bless
Event-induced changes in late Cretaceous to early Paleocene ostracode assemblages of the SE Netherlands and NE Belgium
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Martin J.M. Bless
Biostratigraphy and ecostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous deposits in the Kunrade area (South-Limburg, SE Netherlands)
Volume 112 (1989)Fascicule 1
Maurice Streel, Martin J.M. Bless & Société Géologique de Belgique
Meuse-Rhine geologists meeting Mont-Rigi (Hautes Fagnes), May 18-19, 1990
Volume 113 (1990)Fascicule 2
Philippe Gerrienne & Martin J.M. Bless
Spines in Lower Devonian plants, an explanation ?
Volume 113 (1990)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Thierry Camelbeeck, Léon Dejonghe, Alain Demoulin, Christian Dupuis, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder, Fernand Geukens, Frans Gullentops, Luc Hance, John W.M. Jagt, Etienne Juvigné, Ulrich Kramm, André Ozer, Albert Pissart, Francis Robaszynski, R. Schumacker, A. Smolderen, G. Spaeth, Philippe Steemans, Maurice Streel, Georges Vandenven, Michel Vanguestaine, R. Walter & Monika Wolf
The Stavelot Massif from Cambrian to recent. A survey of the present state of knowledge
Volume 113 (1990)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless, Alain Demoulin, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder, John W.M. Jagt & J.P.H. Reynders
The Hautes Fagnes area (NE Belgium) as a monadnock during the Late Cretaceous
Volume 113 (1990)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & John W.M. Jagt
Repeated Tethyan influences in the early Campanian to middle late Maastrichtian successions of Folx-les-Caves and Orp-le-Petit (eastern Brabant Massif, Belgium)
Volume 113 (1990)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless
Comparison between eustatic T-R cycles around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and the distribution of the ostracode taxon Pseudoleperditia gr. venulosa
Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 2 - Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
Martin J.M. Bless, R. Thomas Becker, Kenneth T. Higgs, Eva Paproth & Maurice Streel
Eustatic cycles around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and the sedimentary and fossil record in Sauerland (Federal Republic of Germany)
Volume 115 (1992)Fascicule 2 - Devonian-Carboniferous boundary
P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Martin J.M. Bless
The Vijlen chalk (early early to early late Maastrichtian) in its type area around Vijlen and Mamelis (southern Limburg, The Netherlands)
Volume 116 (1993)Fascicule 1
Eva Paproth, Michiel Dusar, Paul Verkaeren & Martin J.M. Bless
Stratigraphy and cyclic nature of lower Westphalian deposits in the boreholes KB174 and KB206 in the Belgian Campine
Volume 117 (1994)Fascicule 1 - Stratigraphie du Paléozoïque : Hommage à Maurice Streel
Martin J.M. Bless & M. Cristina Fernandez-Narvaiza
Het veranderend landschap in de Euregio Maas-Rijn
Volume 118 (1995)Fascicule 1 - Evolution du paysage de l'Euregio Meuse-Rhin : Hommage à Maurice Streel
Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Horst-Robert Langguth & Maurice Streel
Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkemburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Martin J.M. Bless
The Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg a/d Geul South-Limburg, the Netherlands : general information
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Sven Krings, Martin J.M. Bless, Raphaël Conil, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Jan P.M.Th. Meessen
Stratigraphic interpretation of the Thermae boreholes (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Günther Friedrich & Martin J.M. Bless
Lead-Zinc mineralization in Dinantian rocks of boreholes Thermae 2000 and Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Monika Wolf & Martin J.M. Bless
Coal-petrographic investigations on samples from the boreholes Thermae 2000 and Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Martin J.M. Bless
Summary of geology and hydrogeology of Thermae boreholes (South-Limburg, the Netherlands)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Martin J.M. Bless, Maurice Streel & Gerhard Becker
Distribution and paleoenvironment of Devonian to Permian ostracode assemblages in Belgium with reference to some Late Famennian to Permian marine nearshore to «brackish-water» assemblages dated by miospores
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless & Maurice Streel
Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Martin J.M. Bless, Sylvie Crasquin, Helga Groos-Uffenorde & Francis Lethiers
Late Devonian to Dinantian ostracodes (comments on taxonomy, stratigraphy and paleoecology)
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Rudy Swennen, Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Tatiana P. Razina & Kirill V. Simakov
Evaluation of transgression-regression events in the Upper Famennian-Tournaisian strata of the Southeastern Omolon area (NE-Siberia, USSR)
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Jaroslav Dvořák, Olga Friáková, Jindřich Hladil, Jiři Kaldova, Zdeněk Kukal & Martin J.M. Bless
A field trip to the Famennian of the Moravian karst (ČSSR)
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 1 (Late Devonian events around the Old Red Continent)
Ulrich Kramm & Martin J.M. Bless
Sr isotopic analysis of anhydrites and pseudomorphs of calcite after anhydrite from Visean rocks of Heugem (South Limburg, Netherlands) and St-Ghislain (SW Belgium): Short note
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless, P.J. (Sjeuf) Felder & Jan P.M.Th. Meessen
Late Cretaceous sea level rise and inversion: Their influence on the depositional environment between Aachen and Antwerp
Volume 109 (1986)Fascicule 2
Roland Dreesen, Martin J.M. Bless, Raphaël Conil, Gerd Flajs & Christoph Laschet
Depositional environment, paleoecology and diagenetic history of the “marbre rouge à crinoïdes de Baelen” (Late Upper Devonian, Verviers synclinorium, Eastern Belgium)
Volume 108 (1985)Volume complet
N.A. Shilo, Jos Bouckaert, G.A. Afanasjeva, Martin J.M. Bless, Raphaël Conil, O.A. Erlanger, M.H. Gagiev, S.S. Lazarev, Yu. l. Onoprienko, Eddy Poty, Tatiana P. Razina, Kirill V. Simakov, L.V. Smirnova, Maurice Streel & Rudy Swennen
Sedimentological and paleontological atlas of the Late Famennian and Tournaisian deposits in the Omolon region (NE-USSR)
Volume 107 (1984)Volume complet
David J. Batten, Maurice Streel, Michiel Dusar & Martin J.M. Bless
Late Cretaceous palynomorphs from the boreholes Thermae 2002 (Valkenburg a/d Geul, the Netherlands) and ‘s-Gravenvoeren (Belgium)
Volume 110 (1987)Fascicule 1 (Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian geology and hydrogeology of the Thermae boreholes of Valkenburg aan de Geul (South-Limburg, the Netherlands))
Eva Paproth, Raphaël Conil, Martin J.M. Bless, Paul Boonen, Jos Bouckaert, N. Carpentier, Michel Coen, Bernard Delcambre, Ch. Deprijck, S. Deuzon, Roland Dreesen, Eric Groessens, Luc Hance, Michel Hennebert, Dominique Hibo, G. Hahn, R. Hahn, O. Hislaire, Werner Kasig, Martin Laloux, Alain S. Lauwers, Alan Lees, Maurice Lys, K. Op de beek, Pierre Overlau, Henri Pirlet, Eddy Poty, W. Ramsbottom, Maurice Streel, Rudy Swennen, Jacques Thorez, Michel Vanguestaine, Mia Van Steenwinkel & Jean-Louis Vieslet
Bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Dinantian in Belgium, a review
Volume 106 (1983)Fascicule 2
Eva Paproth, Michiel Dusar, Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, André Delmer, Muriel Fairon-Demaret, E. Houlleberghs, Martin Laloux, P. Pierart, Yvonne Somers, Maurice Streel, Jacques Thorez & Jean Tricot
Bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Silesian in Belgium, a review
Volume 106 (1983)Fascicule 2
Kirill V. Simakov, Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert, Raphaël Conil, M.H. Gagiev, Ye. V. Kolesov, Yu. l. Onoprienko, Eddy Poty, Tatiana P. Razina, N.A. Shilo, L.V. Smirnova, Maurice Streel & Rudy Swennen
Upper Famennian and Tournaisian deposits of the Omolon region (NE - USSR)
Volume 106 (1983)Fascicule 2
Martin J.M. Bless, Paul Boonen, Michiel Dusar & Paul Soille
Microfossils and depositional environment of late Dinantian carbonates at Heibaart (northern Belgium)
Volume 104 (1981)Fascicule 1
Martin J.M. Bless, Jos Bouckaert & Eva Paproth
Visé - Puth: stimulant for further exploration?
Volume 104 (1981)Fascicule 2

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