- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 12 (1993)
- Number 1 - Sep. 1993
- Morphological transformations on a randomly filled 3D network
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Weergave(s): 248 (5 ULiège)
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Patricia Jouannot & Jean-Paul Jernot
Morphological transformations on a randomly filled 3D network
(Volume 12 (1993) — Number 1 - Sep. 1993)

The nodes of a 3D cubic face—centred network, simulated on a computer, are randomly filled with points up to a given density. The structure obtained is then modified by two morphological transformations : dilation or closing. Two parameters can be adjusted : the density of points of the initial structure and the size of the transformation. The progressive filling of the space by transformations of increasing size is then followed by the Euler—Poincaré characteristic measured in spaces R0 to R3.
Keywords : 3D image analysis, 3D morphological transformations, Euler—Poincaré characteristic, mathematical morphology
Om dit artikel te citeren:
Patricia Jouannot & Jean-Paul Jernot, «Morphological transformations on a randomly filled 3D network», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 12 (1993), Number 1 - Sep. 1993, 1-10 URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=1339.
Over : Patricia Jouannot
LERMAT, URA CNRS 1317, ISMRA, 14050 Caen Cedex, France
Over : Jean-Paul Jernot
LERMAT, URA CNRS 1317, ISMRA, 14050 Caen Cedex, France