- Portada
- Volume 9 (1990)
- Number 2 - Proceedings of the seventh workshop on quantitative image analysis - Freiburg 90 - Dec. 1990
Number 2 - Proceedings of the seventh workshop on quantitative image analysis - Freiburg 90 - Dec. 1990


7th workshop on quantitative image analysis, Freiburg I. Br., May 11-12, 1990
Elźbieta Kaczmarek
A technique for quantitative description of particle's spatial structure in a defined feature space
Verena Dinger, Bernd Lexow & Bernhard Wolf
Scanning screen morphometry by a personal computer and a modified mouse
Ingeborg Grell-Büchtmann, Wolfgang Hoffmann, Tina Dannheim, Anna Heimers, Astrid Nahrmann, Heike Schröder, Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake & Paul Tomalik
METAFER2: improved applicability and extended sensitivity of biological dosimetry by means of quantitative image analysis
Martin Langer, Ortwin Leder & Haymo Kurz
Documentation of respiratory patterns. Motography, image processing, kinesiology
Klaus J. Hagenlocher & Haymo Kurz
Magnetic resonance tomographs may be displayed and processed on a PC with VGA graphics
Haymo Kurz & Ortwin Leder
Surface topography with moiré by image processing. Estimation of local line curvature for the description of back shape
Siegfried Eins
Curvature of lines in digitized images
Klaus Kayser, Konrad Sandau, Gerhard Böhm, Dietmar Kunze & Jürgen Paul
Hierarchical texture analysis of soft tissue tumors using attributed graphs
Karsten Rodenacker, Michaela Aubele, Georg Burger, Peter Gais, Uta Jütting, Wolfgang Gössner & Martin Oberholzer
Cyto- and histometry in histological sections of colon carcinoma: method

Shirley Y Coleman & Christopher J Pritchett
Random rotations in simulation with computer 3-D reconstruction
Bhanu Prasad Pinnamaneni, Jean-Paul Jernot & Hubert Robine
Detailed characterization of a computer-simulated random packing of monosized spheres
Bhanu Prasad Pinnamaneni & Jean Paul Jernot
Three dimensional homotopic thickening of digitized sets
Jens Randel Nyengaard & Thomas Fichtner Bendtsen
A practical method to count the number of glomeruli in the kidney as exemplified in various animal species
Hans Guski, Klaus-Jürgen Winzer, Peter Hufnagl, Günter Wolf & Sigurd Reichert
Automated grading in breast cancer by image analysis of histological sections

Book review

Author index

Subject index