Acta Stereologica



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G. Haroske, A. Böcking, K. Kayser, K.D. Kunze, W. Meyer & M. Oberholzer

Remote quantitation in DNA image cytometry

(Volume 17 (1998) — Number 3 - Dec. 1998)
Open Access

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Remote Quantitation (RQ) is the application of telematics technologies to the quantitation procedures used in morphology for research and diagnostics. It can be differentiated in Active Expertise, Passive Expertise and Remote Quality Control. All these fields share the common methodological approach that a quantitation of a slide at a local site is done remotely, either in total or in single components of quantitation procedures.

Diagnostic DNA image cytometry will serve as an example to demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of remote quantitation of images grabbed from cytological or histological specimens. On the one hand, a European consensus already exists concerning standardization of diagnostic DNA image cytometry and further European efforts are on the way for ongoing standardisation and quality control. On the other hand, the method urgently needs further standardisation to become more widely applied and accepted. The goal is to transform data of DNA measurements obtained from different machines into a uniform format by a Quantitation Sewer and to derive standardised parameters, algorithms, statistical tests and diagnostic classifications. As the diagnostic results depend on high quality measurements the technical performance of the instruments should be tested regularly. Remote quantitation will offer the facilities to perform these tests by telematics or to send data of measurements on test slides for remote quality control to that server.

Tests of the diagnostic performance of individual machines and pathologists as well as a remote service for quantitation tasks will be offered by telematics, too. Finally, the reliability and consistency of data on tumour markers, directed to European Databases, could and should also be guaranteed by this telematics approach.

This paper was aimed to show the validation of Remote Quantitation by using the quantitation server for the analysis of different aspects ofremote DNA ploidy analysis.

Keywords : DNA image cytometry, quality control, remote quantitation, standardisation

Pour citer cet article

G. Haroske, A. Böcking, K. Kayser, K.D. Kunze, W. Meyer & M. Oberholzer, «Remote quantitation in DNA image cytometry», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 17 (1998), Number 3 - Dec. 1998, 357-375 URL :

A propos de : G. Haroske

Institute of Pathology, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

A propos de : A. Böcking

lnstitute of Cytopathology, University "Heinrich Heine", Düsseldorf, Germany

A propos de : K. Kayser

Department of Pathology, Clinic for Thoracic Diseases, Heidelberg-Rohrbach, Germany

A propos de : K.D. Kunze

Institute of Pathology, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

A propos de : W. Meyer

Institute of Pathology, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

A propos de : M. Oberholzer

Institute of Pathology, University of Basle, Switzerland