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- STIT tessellations – A reference model for random division processes, fragmentation and crack structures
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Werner Nagel
STIT tessellations – A reference model for random division processes, fragmentation and crack structures
(Proceedings ICSIA — 14th ICSIA abstracts)

Keywords : fracture system, fragmentation, random division process, random tessellation, stochastic geometry
To cite this article
Werner Nagel, «STIT tessellations – A reference model for random division processes, fragmentation and crack structures», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Proceedings ICSIA, 14th ICSIA abstracts, URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=3431.
About: Werner Nagel
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Inst. of Mathematics, Germany ; werner.nagel@uni-jena.de