Acta Stereologica




Miroslav Kališnik, Olga Vraspir Porenta & Torsten Mattfeldt
Stereological and morphometric studies of mammalian myocardium: a review
Volume 17 (1998)Number 3 - Dec. 1998
Andrew J. Einstein & Joan Gil
Classification procedures for diagnosis based on multiple morphometric parameters
Volume 15 (1996)Number 1 - Mathematical foundations of stereology - Feb. 1996
Kyoko Itoh, Josef Müller-Höcker, Parviz Mehraein & Serge Weis
A morphometric study for cytochrome c oxidase of the substantia nigra in normal aging and Parkinson's disease
Volume 15 (1996)Number 2 - Applications of stereology in life sciences - July 1996
Peter Schmidt, Ingrid Haider, Serge Weis, Gottfried Brem & Erwin Dahme
Morphometry of the pituitary gland of growth hormone-transgenic mice
Volume 13 (1994)Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994
Marie Jirkovská, Jaroslava Šmídová & Tomáš Frýda
Morphometric analysis of the vascularization of the terminal villi in normal and diabetic placenta
Volume 13 (1994)Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994
Morten Ladekarl & Flemming Brandt Sørensen
The prognostic value of quantitative histopathology in breast cancer: results of retrospective studies
Volume 13 (1994)Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994
Dariusz Adamek & Józef Kałuża
Stereological aspects of pathology of gliomas: volume density of nuclei and volume corrected mitotic index
Volume 12 (1993)Number 1 - Sep. 1993
William F. Whimster
Quantitative nucleology: the quantitative aspects of the study of nuclei
Volume 11 (1992)Number 1 - Quantitative histopathology - Aug. 1992
Yrjö Collan, Teijo Kuopio & Kalle Alanen
Scope and concepts of quantitative histopathology
Volume 11 (1992)Number 1 - Quantitative histopathology - Aug. 1992
Hannu Haapasalo
Volume corrected mitotic index (m/v index) in ovarian cancer
Volume 11 (1992)Number 1 - Quantitative histopathology - Aug. 1992
Josef Rüschoff, Adolfo Bittinger, Andrea Gogolok, Alexander v. Keitz & Berthold Ulshöfer
Quantitation of AgNORs in urothelial cancer - evaluation of diagnostic parameters in histology and cytology
Volume 11 (1992)Number 1 - Quantitative histopathology - Aug. 1992
Chen Mao-huai & Wu Ming-yao
Morphometric study on AgNORs of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and paraneoplastic epithelial cells
Volume 11 (1992)Number 2 - Dec. 1992
Ewald R. Wiebel
Ideas and tools: the invention and development of stereology
Volume 6 (1987)Supplement II (The commemorative-memorial volume: twenty-five years of stereology) - May 1987
Robert Koktysz & Krzysztof W. Zieliňski
Dysplastic epithelial changes as a sequence of binary event in gastric pathology
Volume 17 (1998)Number 1 - June 1998
Abd Al Muti Zaitoun, Hanan Al Mardini & Christopher O Record
Stereology and morphometry of steatosis in human alcoholic (ALD) and non-alcoholic liver disease (NALD)
Volume 17 (1998)Number 1 - June 1998
Krzysztof W. Zieliňski
Practical problems in quantification of tissue vascularisation
Volume 17 (1998)Number 1 - June 1998
Michel Kraemer, Jeannie Vassy, Marie-Thérèse Chalumeau & Albrecht Reith
Ultrastructural and morphometric investigation on the fetal rat liver
Volume 4 (1985)Number 2 - Proceedings of the fourth European symposium for stereology - Dec. 1985
R. Clark Lantz, Robert Burrell & David E. Hinton
Morphometric alterations in the lung induced by inhaled bacterial endotoxin
Volume 4 (1985)Number 2 - Proceedings of the fourth European symposium for stereology - Dec. 1985
Ling-Yi Chang & James D. Crapo
Morphometric analysis of focal lung injury caused by low levels of nitrogen dioxide
Volume 4 (1985)Number 2 - Proceedings of the fourth European symposium for stereology - Dec. 1985
Torsten Mattfeldt, Gerhard Mall, Karl-Ludwig Krämer, Reinhard Zeitz, Heinrich Baust, Johannes Mann, Christoph Hasslacher & Rüdiger Waldherr
Different stereological reaction patterns of the myocardium in hypertrophy induced by exercise and pressure overload
Volume 4 (1985)Number 2 - Proceedings of the fourth European symposium for stereology - Dec. 1985
Leszek Wojnar & Sylwia Kosecka-Żurek
On redefinition of image analysis and stereology
Proceedings ICSIA14th ICSIA abstracts
Mary C. Soosaipillai, John F. Bertram & Graeme B. Ryan
Absolute volumes of glomerular cells and glomerular compartments in the normal rat kidney
Volume 13 (1994)Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994

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