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- Volume 13 (1994)
- Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congr...
- Stereological investigation of spatial fibre processes using confocal scanning laser microscopy
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Torsten Mattfeldt, Ashley Clarke & Geoff Archenhold
Stereological investigation of spatial fibre processes using confocal scanning laser microscopy
(Volume 13 (1994) — Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part three - June 1994)

A design-based stereological method is presented which enables the unbiased estimation of mean length per unit volume and of the angle distribution of spatial fibre processes from arbitrarily directed pairs of registered parallel optical sections. The theory is illustrated by an application where the directional distribution of glass fibres is monitored in a stepwise extruded polymer composite by the stereological evaluation of data obtained by confocal scanning laser microscopy.
Keywords : anisotropy, confocal scanning laser microscopy, directional statistics, fibre processes, stereology, stochastic geometry
Pour citer cet article
Torsten Mattfeldt, Ashley Clarke & Geoff Archenhold, «Stereological investigation of spatial fibre processes using confocal scanning laser microscopy», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 13 (1994), Number 2 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part three - June 1994, 453-458 URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0351-580x/index.php?id=4336.
A propos de : Torsten Mattfeldt
Department of Pathology, University of Ulm, Oberer Eselsberg M23, D-89081 Ulm, Germany
A propos de : Ashley Clarke
Molecular Physics and Instrumentation Group, Department of Physics, University of Leeds, GB-Leeds LS2 9JT, Great Britain
A propos de : Geoff Archenhold
Molecular Physics and Instrumentation Group, Department of Physics, University of Leeds, GB-Leeds LS2 9JT, Great Britain