Acta Stereologica



sinds 05 december 2013 :
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Lewis G. Briarty, Patrick J. Fisher & Peter H. Jenkins

Microscopy, morphology and microcomputers

(Volume 1 (1982) — Number 2 - Stereology 82 - Sheffield - Dec. 1982)
Open Access

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Two microcomputer programs for morphological analysis are described. IMPS is a program for setting up and carrying out a point-counting stereological analysis. GRIDSS is a set of routines for serial section reconstruction and viewing.

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Lewis G. Briarty, Patrick J. Fisher & Peter H. Jenkins, «Microscopy, morphology and microcomputers», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 1 (1982), Number 2 - Stereology 82 - Sheffield - Dec. 1982, 227-234 URL :

Over : Lewis G. Briarty

Botany Department, University of Nottingham, U.K.

Over : Patrick J. Fisher

Mechanical, Marine and Production Eng. Dept., Liverpool Polytechnic, Byrom Street, Liverpool, U.K.

Over : Peter H. Jenkins

Botany Department, University of Nottingham, U.K.