Acta Stereologica



depuis le 05 décembre 2013 :
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Hocine Cherifi & Thierry Eude

An efficient image coder based on the combination of visual and probabilistic models

(Volume 14 (1995) — Number 2 - Quantitative image analysis - Nov. 1995)
Open Access

Document(s) associé(s)



To maintain high image quality with low bitrate, an effective coding algorithm should not only remove statistical correlation but also perceptual redundancy from image signals. In this paper, a coding scheme based on statistical and perceptual models is presented. Roughly speaking, the compression process is perfonned in two stages. In the first stage we derive a perceptual measure called the just noticeable distortion (JND). This measure provides each signal being coded with an error visibility threshold, below which reconstruction error are rendered imperceptible. Using this threshold the perceptually insignificant signals can be screened out. In the second stage, we perform a quantization thresholding step using statistical information on the DCT coefficient distribution. Such that statistical redundancy is minimized. Using this system, high quality is obtainable at rates lower than 1 bit/pixel for a wide variety of images without user intervention.

Keywords : compression, human visual system, JPEG, quantization, statistical redundancy

Pour citer cet article

Hocine Cherifi & Thierry Eude, «An efficient image coder based on the combination of visual and probabilistic models», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 14 (1995), Number 2 - Quantitative image analysis - Nov. 1995, 137-146 URL :

A propos de : Hocine Cherifi

IIV URA-CNRS 842 site GIAT3 Rue Javelin Pagnon 42000 St-Etienne, France

A propos de : Thierry Eude

LIESIB Université de Bourgogne 6 Boulevard Gabriel BP138 21004 Dijon CEDEX, France