Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège -  32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine 

De l'analyse régionale à l'améngament des territoires: le cas des région du Nord-Est français

Henri NONN


After having presented on a one hand the regional analysis step modalities, and on a second hand, the successive conditions of implementation of territorial planning, in France since the 50's, the article exposes the geographers' contributions to the planning, to the decision and to a social and economic development in the North-East of France : acquaintance with situations and mutations of structuration of constituted spaces at different scales (urban organization, communication networks, economic activity frames) and identifications of dynamism conditions and factors which light spatial system transformations as their pertinence evaluation.

Index by keyword : Eastern France, planning, regional anlysis, spatial systems

To cite this article

Henri NONN, «De l'analyse régionale à l'améngament des territoires: le cas des région du Nord-Est français», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL : https://popups.uliege.be/0770-7576/index.php?id=3178.

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