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L'ingénieur flamand Maximilien Fremaut au service du développement agricole et de l'aménagement rural du Banat de Temesvar (1757-1768)

(32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine)
Open Access

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Index de mots-clés : aménagement rural, géographie historique, Hongrie


The ottoman occupation of the central and southern parts of Hungary during the 16th and 18th centuries introduced deep changes into the economy and landscape. The liberation carried out under Austrian control raised the problem of political organisation and economic development. This is especially true for Banat of Temesvar considered as an imperial Province, linked directly from Vienna. It was necessary to call on foreign specialists ables to insure the take off. One of the best representants among them is the Flemish hydraulic engineer Maximilien Fremaut. The aim of this study however is not the evaluation of this engineer's work but his contribution to the agricultural development. His proposals were often adopted as a pattern for the consolidation and further development of the agriculture.

Index by keyword : historical geography, Hungary, rural planning

Pour citer cet article

István NÀDASDI, «L'ingénieur flamand Maximilien Fremaut au service du développement agricole et de l'aménagement rural du Banat de Temesvar (1757-1768)», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL :

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