5/2024 - Resilience of global regionalism in times of crises
Gaurav Bhattarai & Prakash Bista
Fissure in South Asian regionalism in the age of great powers rivalry: a small state’s perspectiveMaría Victoria Alvarez
The management of the Covid-19 pandemic and its potential for the relaunch of Latin American and Caribbean regionalismDaniel Pascal Elono
La crise de l’institutionnalisation des organisations d’intégration régionale en Afrique centrale : cas de la CEMAC et de la CEEACLine Vervier
Quel modèle pour la gouvernance du numérique au sein de l’Union européenne ?Dealan Riga
Heterarchy in World Politics, by Philip G. Cerny (ed.), London, Routledge, 2023.Robert Dopchie
Kosovo’s Foreign Policy and Bilateral Relations, by Liridon Lika (ed.), London and New York, Routledge, 2023.