Index by keyword
- 2D and 3D image acquisition
- 3-D morphometry
- 3-D reconstruction
- 3-dimensional reconstruction
- 3D
- 3D evaluation
- 3D image
- 3D image analysis
- 3D image processing
- 3D modeling
- 3D morphological transformations
- 3D printing
- 3D reconstruction
- 3D surface analysis
- 3D topology
- 3D Voronoi tessellation
- 3D-face modeling
- 3D-reconstruction
- abacterial biomass determination
- accelerated tooth movement
- accuracy
- acidophilic cells
- acute experimental renal ischemia
- adaptative segmentation
- adenocarcinoma
- adenoma
- administrative divisions
- adrenal gland cortex
- age
- age-related
- aggregates
- aging
- Agropyron cristatum L.
- air voids
- air-voids
- airway dimension
- airway epithelium
- Al-4.4wt% Cu
- Al-Si alloys
- alcoholic liver disease
- alcoholics
- algebraic theory
- algorithm
- alumina
- aluminium
- aluminium alloys
- Aluminum alloys
- aluminum matrix composites
- Alzheimer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- anaplastic large cell lymphoma
- aneuploidy
- angiogenesis
- animation
- anisometry
- anisotropic fibres and surfaces
- anisotropic Johnson-Mehl tessellation
- anisotropy
- Antarctica
- antibiotic
- apollonian packing
- area fraction
- area measure
- area orientation distribution
- arrangement
- aspect ratio
- Asplünd distance
- assumption based methods
- astereology
- asymmetry
- atherosclerotic plaques
- atom probe tomography
- attributed minimum spanning tree
- autocorrelation
- automatic cell classifier
- automatic cell sorting
- automatic image analysis
- automatic individual analysis
- autoradiography
- avian embryo
- B-cell
- bacterial colony
- barium titanate
- baryum titanate
- basic image features
- basolateral membrane
- Bat
- Bayesian inference
- belief propagation algorithm
- Besicovitch-Taylor index
- binary operations
- binary section
- binucleated hepatocytes
- biological dosimetry
- biological variation
- biology
- biopsy
- birth-and-death process
- bladder cancer
- bladder carcinoma
- bladder irradiation
- blood circulation
- blood supply
- blood vessel
- blood vessel pattem
- blood vessel wall
- Bmp7
- body weight
- bone
- bone marrow pathology
- bone tissue
- Boolean cluster
- Boolean model
- boolean model
- Boolean models
- Boolean segment process
- boolean segment process
- boundary effect
- boundary error
- bouton
- box counting method
- brain
- brain cortex
- brain mapping
- brain tissue quenching
- Branching pattern
- branching patterns
- brass
- breast
- breast cancer
- bronchus carcinoma
- Buffon transform
- building materials
- CA50
- cadmium chloride
- calcitonin
- calypter
- cancer
- canine rhinencephalic allocortex
- cantor dust method
- capillaries
- capillary
- capillary bed
- carbide particles
- carbides
- carbides quantification
- carbon black classification
- carbonate rocks
- carcinogenesis
- carcinoma
- cardiology
- cardiomyocytes
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri estimate
- Cavalieri estimator
- Cavalieri method
- Cavalieri principle
- Cavalieri volume
- Cavalieri'
- Cavalieri's principle
- Cavalieri’s principle
- cell characteristics
- cell count
- cell count estimate precision
- cell cycle analysis
- cell division
- cell number
- cell size
- cells
- cemented carbide
- central nervous system
- centroid
- ceramic capacitors
- ceramic films
- ceramics
- cerebellum
- cerebral cortex
- cerebral microvessels
- cervix
- change detection
- Charpy examination
- chemotherapy
- chick embryo
- chick mesophros
- chord length
- chorioallantoic membrane
- chromatin feature
- chromatin pattern
- chromatography
- chromosome aberrations
- chronic ingestion of ethanol
- circular polarization
- cirrhosis
- cladded and cast HSS
- classification
- clay particles
- clays
- cluster analysis
- cluster division
- cluster fields
- cluster tree
- clusters
- coarsening
- cochlear nuclei
- codistribution
- coexistence
- collagen
- collagen type I
- colocalization
- color
- color aggregation
- color digitization
- color discrimination
- color histogram analysis
- color segmentation
- color space
- color texture
- color vision
- colour imaging
- comminution
- complementary set fractal dimension
- complex-shaped
- complexity
- composite material
- composite materials
- composites
- compression
- computed tomography
- computer graphics
- computer modelling
- computer simulation
- computer simulation and modelling
- computer-aid
- computer-simulation
- Concanavalin A
- concrete
- conditional independence
- confocal microscopy
- confocal scanning laser microscopy
- connective tissue
- connectivity
- Connectivity
- connectivity number
- contact distribution
- contrast definition
- contrasting of sections
- conversion
- convex bodies
- convex body
- convex hull
- convex particle
- convex particle structure
- convex particles
- convex ring
- convexity
- cooccurrence matrix
- corpuscle problem
- correlation
- corrosion pits
- cortical layers
- covariance
- cracking
- cracking of rocks
- cracks
- creep fracture
- crest lines
- Crofton formula
- Crofton's formula
- cross-correlation function
- crossfire
- cryo-BIB
- cryo-SEM
- crystal structure
- CT image
- curvature
- cusps
- cyclin A
- cyclin B-l
- cycloid
- cytoarchitecture
- Cytochrome c oxidase
- cytogenetics
- cytology
- cytometry
- cytomorphometry
- Data Flow
- data fusion
- Davy index of liberation
- dead leaves model
- debris
- deficit irrigation
- dementia
- dendrite
- dendrites
- dendritic structure
- denoising
- dense concrete
- dense projections
- densitometry
- density profiles
- densification
- dentate nucleus
- depression
- depth of focus
- desktop publishing
- detailed characterization
- development
- diabetes
- diabetes mellitus
- diagnosis
- diagnostic algorithm
- Diameter
- diameter
- diameter exponent
- differential geometry
- differential particle counting
- diffusion
- digital curve
- digital image analysis
- digital metrics
- digital pathology
- digital rocks
- digitization
- dilation
- dilation area
- dimensionality reduction
- directed measurements
- direction distribution
- directional mathematical morphology
- directional statistics
- discontinuities in rocks
- discontinuity
- discrete contour
- discretisation
- discretization
- discretized nucleator
- disector
- Disector
- dislocation substructure
- disorganization of liver lobule
- disparity estimation
- dispersion
- dissector
- distance
- distance distribution inverse
- distance function
- distance map
- distribution
- distribution function
- DLVO potential
- DNA cytometry
- DNA image cytometry
- DNA ploidy measurement
- DNA ploidy measurements
- doctorate program
- dominant point
- double labelling
- dual-phase steel
- ductile iron
- duplex stainless steel
- duplex stainless steels
- duplex steel
- dynamic imaging
- dysplasia
- dysplastic glands
- early gastric cancer
- edge length
- edge reconnection
- edge texture indicator
- elastic matching
- ELC-steel. vertical sections
- electrical properties
- electron microscopy
- ellipse
- ellipses
- embryology
- empirical capacity functional
- empirical curve
- enterochromaffin cell
- enterocyte
- enterovirus 71 (EV71)
- epifluorescence microscopy
- epithelium
- ergodicity
- erosion
- error estimator
- esophageal carcinoma
- estimation
- estimation variance
- euclidean distance
- Euler number
- Euler-Poincaré characteristic
- Euler-Poincaré constants
- Euler—Poincaré characteristic
- eutectic
- eutectic alloy
- evaluating software
- exercise
- experimental cancer
- exposure time
- extension term
- extreme environment
- fabric
- face angle
- Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde fluorescence method
- fast registration
- feature extraction
- feature/feature interaction
- FIB/SEM tomography
- fiber bundle
- fiber nucleus
- fiber reinforced
- fiber system model
- fiberglass reinforced thermoplastics
- fibers
- fibre
- fibre length distribution
- fibre orientation distribution
- fibre process
- fibre processes
- fibre pull-out and failure
- fibre pull-out length
- fibre-matrix adhesion
- fibrillogenesis
- fibrous media
- filamentous microorganisms
- film response
- filtering
- fine turning
- fine turning operation
- fluid and soil mechanics
- fluid flow
- fluorescence
- focus of attention
- foetal brain
- follicle
- form
- form analysis
- form factor
- foundry alloys
- Fourier
- Fourier analysis
- Fourier image transform
- Fourier transform
- fractal
- fractal analysis
- fractal dimension
- fractal geometry
- fractals
- Fractionator
- fractionator
- fractography
- fracturation
- Fracture
- fracture
- fracture system
- fracture toughness
- fragmentation
- frame grabber
- free cutting steel
- freeze-fractured mitochondrial membranes
- functional heterogeneity
- fundamental forms
- ganglioside
- gastric cancer
- gastric dysplasia
- Gauge distance
- Gauss-Poisson process
- Gaussian curvature
- Gaussian Markov random fields
- Gaussian random fields
- Gaussian random function
- Gecstrum
- gene expression
- geodesic distance
- geodesic propagation
- geology
- geometric measure theory
- geometric model
- geometric probability
- geometrical probability
- geometry and physical properties of grain boundaries
- germ-grain model
- gigapixel images
- glial cell nests
- glioma
- glomerular number
- glomeruli
- glomerulus
- gradient filtering
- grading
- grain boundary
- grain growth
- grain shape
- grain size
- grain size assessment
- grain size distribution
- grain structure
- grain-faces
- granulometric analysis
- granulometry
- granulometry method
- granulomorphy
- granulosa cells
- graph theory
- graphite
- graphite nodule distribution
- gray iron
- grey level image analysis
- grey level index
- grey matter
- grey tone functions
- ground vehicle
- growth
- Growth curves
- growth hormone
- growth models
- growth monitoring
- gut permeability
- gyration
- Hack—Mandelbrot
- Hagen-Poiseuille
- Hausdorff metric
- hazard rate
- heart
- heat treatment optimization
- hepatocyte
- hepatocytes
- heterogeneous materials
- heterogeneous structures
- hierarchical classification
- high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
- high temperature annealing
- high-speed steels
- hippocampal formation
- hippocampus
- histochemistry
- histology
- histometry
- histomorphometry
- HIV-1 Infection
- HIV-1 infection
- hmin
- Hodgkin's disease
- homogeneity
- hot extrusion
- Hough transform
- human
- human heart
- human oviduct
- Human Papilloma Virus
- human placenta
- human prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- human vision
- human visual system
- hydrocortisone
- hydrostatic extrusion
- hyperthyroidism
- hypertrophy
- hypothyroidism
- Image analysis
- image analysis
- image analyzer
- image filtering
- image modeling
- image normalisation
- image processing
- image segmentation
- image spread
- image stabilization
- image transformations
- immunocytochemistry
- immunoenzymatic labeling
- immunofluorescence method
- immunohistochemistry
- impact energy
- impaires detection
- improvement
- in-vivo multispectral skin imaging
- in-vivo skin imaging
- inferior olivary nucleus
- inhaled bacterial endotoxin
- insulin receptors
- integral equations
- integral geometry
- integral length scale
- intensity estimation
- interaction
- intercept grades
- intercrystalline fracturing
- interfaces
- intergranular surface
- interlamellar distance distribution
- interlamellar spacing
- intermittent catheterization
- intestine
- inundation
- invariator
- ionizing irradiation
- ionizing radiation
- iron ore
- iron ore pellets
- Isoperimetric inequalities
- isophote
- isotropic Cavalieri
- isotropic sections
- isotropic virtual line
- isotropic virtual plane
- Joint
- joint space depth
- jointed and faulted rock mass
- K function
- K-function
- karyometry
- kidney
- kinesiology
- knee joint
- koilocytosis
- Lake Huguangyan Maar
- lamellar microstructure
- lamellar structure
- landmarks
- Laplacian
- latent field
- lattice gas
- lattices of clusters
- leaf anatomy
- left ventricle
- length
- length density
- length distribution
- length of an arc
- length-scale
- Leydig cells
- light microscopy
- lighting variations
- limits of agreement
- line scanning
- linear discriminante function
- linear granulometry
- linear objects
- linear stereological analysis
- LIP contrast
- LIP model
- LIP Model
- liquid phase sintering
- liver
- liver congestion
- liver injury
- local methods
- localization
- logarithmic contrast
- Logarithmic Image Processing model (LIP)
- logarithmic images
- logarithmic operators
- lung alterations
- lung carcinoma
- lymph/angiogenesis
- lymphoma pathology
- Mac-Adam ellipses
- machinability
- machine learning
- macrophages
- macropores
- magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- male rats
- malignancy grade
- malignant disease
- malignant lymphomas
- mammals
- mammogram
- man
- manual methods
- Markov chain
- Markov processes
- Markov random field
- mast cells
- material microstructure
- material structure
- mathematical modelling
- mathematical morphology
- MatLab and LabView
- maxillary expansion
- maximum likelihood
- maximum property
- mean geometric covariogram
- mean volume
- measure
- measurement bias
- mechanical and structural properties
- mechanical properties
- mechanical testing
- mechanisms of plastic deformation
- medical imaging
- mesophyll
- metal
- metal matrix composites
- metallography
- methodology
- metrics
- mice
- micro-computed tomography
- micro-CT
- microanalysis
- microcalcifications
- microcracks
- microscopic imaging and analysis
- microscopical magnification
- microscopy
- microstructure
- microstructure-property-correlations
- mineral liberation
- mineral processing
- minimum spanning tree
- Minkowski dimension
- mitochondria
- mitotic index
- mixed area
- model test
- modelization
- modelling
- models
- modified RS232-mouse
- moiré topography
- monoamines
- Monte-Carlo simulation procedures
- Monte-Carlo test
- morphological markers
- morphological parameters
- morphological reconstruction
- morphological texture
- morphological transformations
- morphology
- morphometry
- motography
- motor activity
- mouse
- moving camera
- moving objects
- multi-scale
- multi-scale gradients
- multifractal
- multiphase materials
- multiphase textures
- multiresolution process
- multiscaling
- multispectral imaging
- multivariate statistics
- multivariate uniform generation
- myocardial fiber
- myocardium
- myocardiurn
- nano-porosity
- nearest neighbour distance
- nearest-neighbour interaction
- neck
- neocortex
- neocortical volume
- neoplasm
- nephrology
- nerve cell bodies
- nerve cell clusters
- nerve terminals
- network patterns
- neuro-anatomy
- neuron counting
- neuron size
- neuronal numbers
- neurons
- neurostereology
- neurotransmitters
- Neyman—Scott cluster process
- niathematical morphology
- nodular cast iron
- non planar surfaces
- non-homogeneous sampling
- non-metallic inclusions
- non-randomness
- nonplanar surfaces
- normal aging
- nuclear cytoplasmic ratio
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear size
- nuclear volume
- nucleation and growth
- nucleator
- Nucleator
- nuclei
- nucleolar organizer region-associated proteins (AgNORs)
- nucleoli
- nugget effect
- number
- number density
- number weighted mean volume
- numerical density
- object characteristics
- object-m
- ODS alloys
- olive
- open system
- opening
- optic cup
- optical diffraction
- optical disector
- optical fractionator
- optical microscopy
- optical rotator
- optical sectioning
- order
- orientation
- orientation factor
- orientational order
- orientator
- oriented distributions
- orthodontic tooth movement
- orthodontics
- orthogonality
- oscillating covariance function
- ovary carcinoma
- oxidants
- P(l)
- P(ℓ)
- p34
- P34cdk1
- packing density
- pair correlation function
- pancreas
- parafollicular cells
- parallel sections
- parameter estimation
- parametric equations
- Parkinson'
- Parkinson's disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- partial root-zone drying
- particle density
- particle disconnection
- particle sampling
- particle separation
- particle size
- particle spatial structure
- particle volume distribution
- particles
- particles shape
- partition
- path length
- pathology
- pattern recognition
- PC
- pearlite
- Pecstrum
- perception
- perceptual issues
- perchlorate
- percolation
- perforated synapses
- pericarp cell layer
- permeability
- personal computer
- pharmaceutical coatings
- phase analysis
- phase porosity
- physical sectioning
- physiotherapy
- pigment
- pinealectomy
- pistons
- pitting corrosion behavior
- pituitary gland
- PLA/clay
- placenta
- placental terminal villus
- Planar Bodies
- planar Neyman-Scott process
- planar probes
- planar sections
- plane cross-sections
- plant cell wall
- plastic deformation
- plastic deformation effect
- plastic working
- platelet-rich plasma
- platelike particles
- point clusters
- point counting
- point pattern
- point sampled intercept
- point-sampled intercepts
- point—sampled intercepts
- Poisson process
- Poisson-Voronoi tessellation
- polar plots
- polarization
- polycrystal
- polyhedra
- polyhedron
- polymer/clay nanocomposites
- polymorphism
- pore scale
- pore segmentation
- pore system
- pores
- porosity
- porous materials
- porous media
- porous medium
- position measurement
- posture
- powder
- powders
- pretopology
- primary sensory neurons
- prior cold working
- probabilistic graphical models
- probabilistic models
- probability distribution function
- profilometric characterization
- prognosis
- projection
- projection measure
- projections
- proliferation
- proliferative activity
- propagation function
- prostaglandin E2
- prostate cancer
- prostatic cancer
- protein deficiency
- proton radiation
- proximal and distal tubular transport
- proximal tubule dilatation
- Pseudomonas
- psychophysics
- pull-out
- Purkinje cells
- pyramid
- quadrat
- quality control
- quantification
- quantitation
- quantitative analysis
- Quantitative description of grains
- quantitative diagnostic pathology
- quantitative fractography
- quantitative histopathology
- quantitative image analysis
- quantitative metallography
- quantitative microscopy
- quantitative microstructure analysis
- quantitative pathology
- quantitative power spectrum
- quantitative techniques
- quantization
- Radial function
- radiation effect
- radiographs
- radiotherapy
- Radon transform
- random closed set
- random closed sets
- random division process
- random function
- random images
- random interlamellar distance
- random materials
- random media
- random mosaics
- random plane angles
- random plane section
- random rotations
- random sections
- random set
- random sets
- random tessellation
- randomized forests
- range image
- raster image correlation spectroscopy
- rat
- rat cerebellum
- rat colon
- rat liver
- ratio estimation
- rats
- reaction-diffusion
- rearrangement
- receptor autoradiography
- recluse probability
- recrystallization
- rectangle
- rectangles
- rectum
- regeneration
- region growing
- regular 2k—tup1es
- reinforcement efficiency
- reinforcement ratio
- reinforcing particles
- relational reference space
- relief
- remote quantitation
- residual set of objects
- resolution
- respiration
- reticulin
- retina
- reverse sigmoidal fractal curves
- Richardson—Mandelbrot
- river floodplain
- rock mineral phase
- rock structure
- rose of directions
- roses of intersections
- rotator
- Roughness
- roughness
- roughness parameters
- rubber/carbon black
- running exercise
- s disease
- s principle
- sampling
- sampling design
- sampling strategy
- saphenous vein
- scalar product
- scale
- scanning electron microscopy
- scanning microscopy
- scanning screen morphometry
- schizophrenia
- season
- second phase
- second-order characteristics
- second-order statistics
- section
- section realignment
- section thickness
- section-thickness
- sections
- segmentation
- segmentation of fibers
- selector
- self-similar
- SEM image
- SEM-imaging
- semi-automatic image analyzer
- semi-automatic stereology
- semiquantitative methods
- serial sectioning
- Sertoli cell nuclei
- Sertoli cells
- set covariance
- sex
- shape
- shape analysis
- shape and disribution of carbide particles
- shape descriptor
- shape features
- shape of grains
- shape parameters
- shapes
- sheet thickness distribution
- shell thickness distribution
- short fibre composite
- short fibre reinforced polymers
- shrinkage cracks
- simulated packing of spheres
- simulation
- simulation of structure
- simulations
- singer
- single particle tracking
- sintered carbides
- sintered materials
- sintered parts
- sintering
- sintering process
- SIT-video camera
- size
- size and shape of grains
- size correlation
- size distribution
- size distributions
- size effects
- size variability
- size-orientation distribution
- size-shape-orientation distribution
- size-weighted size
- sizedistribution
- skeletal muscle
- skeleton
- skeletonization
- slice thickness
- small intestine
- small-angle scattering
- smoothing
- sodium perchlorate
- soft tissue tumors
- software
- software package
- soil
- soil burrows
- soil structure
- Solanum dulcamara L.
- solid state sintering
- solid tumor
- solid tumors
- solid tumours
- solidificationy
- solidification
- somatostatin
- space curve
- space filling blocks
- space-filling polyhedral
- space—fi|ling grains
- spacing
- spatial distribution
- spatial grid
- spatial interaction
- spatial pattern
- spatial Poisson-Voronoi tessellation
- spatial statistics
- specific surface area
- spectral method
- spectroscopy
- spermatogenesis
- sphere diameter
- sphere unfolding
- spheres
- spherical contact distance
- spherical contact distribution function
- spherical harmonics
- spherical shell particles
- spheroids
- spinal ganglia
- Sr – hexaferrites
- stability of solutions
- standardisation
- static cytometry
- static DNA cytometry
- statistical analysis
- statistical images
- statistical redundancy
- statistical testing
- statistics
- steatosis
- steel
- steel quality control
- steel wire reinforced concrete
- stenosis measurement
- stereological analysis
- stereological description
- stereological methods
- stereological parameters
- stereological parameters.
- stereological unfolding
- stereology
- Stereology
- stereology of projection
- stereometric equations
- stereoprojection
- stereoscopy
- stochastic geometry
- stochastic partial differential equations
- stochastic process
- stochastic pyramid
- stomach
- stomata
- straight line envelope
- stratification
- Strauss process
- structual changes
- structural modelling
- structural parameters
- structure
- structure parameters
- structuring element
- study scale
- subpopulations
- substance P
- substantia nigra
- suicide
- sulphide inclusions
- sun and shade ecotypes
- sunflower
- superficial enterocytes
- support functions
- surface
- surface analysis
- Surface area
- surface area
- surface area estimation
- surface density
- surface melting
- surface mesh
- surface morphology
- surface process
- surface rendering
- surface rougness
- surface topography
- swelling
- synapses
- synchrotron radiation
- syntactic structure analysis
- systematic error
- systematic sampling
- systematic sections
- tangent count
- tartrate resistant acid phosphatase
- terminal villus
- tessellation
- test system
- testing by quadrat
- testis
- texture
- texture analysis
- texture measurement
- textured images
- thalamus
- therapy control
- thermomechanical processing
- thiamine deficiency
- thick section
- thickening
- thickness
- thickness measurements
- thioacetamide
- three dimensional space analysis
- three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction
- three-dimensional orientation distributions
- three-dimensional reconstruction
- threshold
- thresholding
- thyroid
- thyroid gland
- thyrotropin
- thyroxine
- tilt angle of clasts
- time-frequency distribution
- tissue processing
- tobacco cell chain
- tomato fruit
- Tomkeieff
- tomography
- tone mapping
- tool life
- tools alloys
- topography
- topological properties
- topological reconstruction
- topological tree
- topology
- torsion
- tortuosity
- total cell number
- Total length
- total length
- total neuron number
- total number of neurons
- Total vertical projections
- toughness
- trabeculae
- tracheal malacia
- tracing
- transcrystalline fracturing
- transfer function
- transgenic mice
- transgenic mouse
- transitional cell bladder cancer
- transmitter
- trisector
- true interlamellar distance
- tumour pathology
- turning bands method
- TV coder
- two-phase particles
- typical grain
- ultrastructural markers
- ultrastructure
- Unbiased stereology
- unfolding
- unfolding technique
- unidirectionally solidified
- uniformly random sections
- unit outer normal
- Variability
- variable lighting
- variance
- vascular bed
- vascular plexus formation
- vascularisation score
- vascularization
- vein disease
- ventral prostate
- Vero cells
- vertical projections (sections)
- vertical rotator
- vertical sections
- vertical slices
- vertices
- vesicles
- video converter
- videobronchoscopy
- vision
- volcanic rocks
- volume
- volume analysis
- volume correction factor
- volume estimation
- volume fraction
- volume images
- volume measurement
- volume-weighted mean nuclear volume
- volumes
- Voronoi tessellation
- wall effect
- watershed
- watersheds
- watersheds.
- WC-Co cermets
- web application
- weld simulation
- white matter
- whole-slide
- Wicksell’s corpuscle problem
- Windows
- wire orientation
- X-ray CT
- X-ray microCT
- zinc sulphate
- zirconia
- Zitterbewegung
- γ-ray
- δ ferrite transformation
- μCT
- capillaries
- fiber
- fibre process
- flow cytometry