Acta Stereologica



ya que 05 diciembre 2013 :
Vista(s): 327 (1 ULiège)
Descargar(s): 29 (0 ULiège)
Dominique Jeulin

Random structures generation by lattice gas

(Volume 15 (1996) — Number 1 - Mathematical foundations of stereology - Feb. 1996)
Open Access

Documento adjunto(s)



Lattice gas models use particles moving and interacting on a graph; developed by physicists to simulate complex flows, they can be used to generate random structures on a physical basis. In this paper, we review some recent developments of these models, with the following main topics: after an introduction of the main rules used in the lattice gas models, namely rules of conservations involved in collisions and boundary conditions, applications to complex flows in random porous media are presented; they offer the possibility to estimate their permeability and the properties of dispersion of fluids as a function of the microgeometry. By addition of aggregation rules, it is possible to generate random aggregates, and to study by simulations processes involving nucleation and growth plienomena in a changing velocity field. Examples based on two phase and multiphase media will be presented. By introduction of forces of attraction or of repulsion between various species, immiscible fluid flows, and phase separations can be simulated. Finally, a promising field concerns the implementation of reaction-diffusion models, where in addition to fluid motion are allowed chemical reaction between species.

Keywords : simulations, lattice gas, porous media, multiphase textures

Para citar este artículo

Dominique Jeulin, «Random structures generation by lattice gas», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 15 (1996), Number 1 - Mathematical foundations of stereology - Feb. 1996, 31-43 URL :

Acerca de: Dominique Jeulin

Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 35 rue St-Honoré F77300 Fontainebleau, France