Acta Stereologica



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Kalevi Selkäinaho

Statistics in stereology and morphometry

(Volume 2 (1983) — Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983)
Open Access

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This paper is a short review of some basic principles of statistics that is useful in stereology and morphometry. The chapter I deals with sampling theory concerning the stereological analysis of microstructures. The problem is how to construct optimal estimators and how to estimate optimal sample sizes in several stages of a sampling design. The chapter II deals with the numerical study of the reliability of measurements obtained by methods above. It is concerned with two kinds of coefficients that indicate the degree of that reliability: the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for continuous measurements and the kappa coefficient for discrete measurements.

Pour citer cet article

Kalevi Selkäinaho, «Statistics in stereology and morphometry», Acta Stereologica [En ligne], Volume 2 (1983), Number 2 - Proceedings of the second symposium on morphometry in morphological diagnoses, september 7-9, 1983, Kuopio, Finland - Dec. 1983, 239-249 URL :

A propos de : Kalevi Selkäinaho

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Kuopio, P.O.B. 6, SF 70211 Kuopio 21, Finland