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- Volume 13 (1994)
- Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994
Number 1 - Proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology - Part two - May 1994

Acta Stereologica: proceedings of the sixth European congress for stereology – Part two [Title]


Stereology in biosciences: endocrinology, morphometry of organs and cells
Rüdiger Wanke, Serge Weis, Dietmar Kluge, Eva Kahnt, Emanuel Schenck, Gottfried Brem & Walter Hermanns
Morphometric evaluation of the pancreas of growth hormone-transgenic mice
Zhang Xuefeng, Guo Lisheng, Tu Kaichen, Ma Liufang & Ye Changqin
The stereological study of age-related effects in rat thyroids after γ-ray irradiation
Peter Schmidt, Ingrid Haider, Serge Weis, Gottfried Brem & Erwin Dahme
Morphometry of the pituitary gland of growth hormone-transgenic mice
Draga Štiblar-Martinčič
Seasonal variation in the influence of pinealectomy on rat follicular and parafollicular cells
Marjo W. Kapraali, Olle Johansson & Andrés Uribe
Stereological estimation of the total volume of duodenal mucosa and of endocrine cells in rats treated with prostaglandin E2

Stereology in biosciences: angiology and hemathology, microvessels
Paul J. McMillan, John O. Archambeau, Arun Gokhale, Marie-Helen Archambeau & Ming Oey
Morphometric and stereologic analysis of cerebral cortical microvessels using optical sections and thin slices
Jens Randel Nyengaard & Ruth Rasch
The practical use of stereology in characterising capillary networks
Marie Jirkovská, Jaroslava Šmídová & Tomáš Frýda
Morphometric analysis of the vascularization of the terminal villi in normal and diabetic placenta
Youfang Zhang & Nigel G. Wreford
Estimation of Sertoli cell nuclear volume on vertical sections

Stereology in biosciences: osteology
Thomas A. Youngs, Rogely W. Boyce, Lis Mosekilde, Charlotte H. Søgaard, Caroline L. Paddock & Hans Jørgen G. Gundersen
Direct stereological estimation of 3-D connectivity density in human iliac cancellous bone: the effect of age and sex

Stereology in biosciences: general and clinic morphology, cell size and arrangement
Mary C. Soosaipillai, John F. Bertram & Graeme B. Ryan
Absolute volumes of glomerular cells and glomerular compartments in the normal rat kidney
Morten Ladekarl & Flemming Brandt Sørensen
The prognostic value of quantitative histopathology in breast cancer: results of retrospective studies
Eric Masson, Paulette Herlin, Isabelle Galle, Françoise Duigou, Philippe Belhomme, Daniel Bloyet & Anne-Marie Mandard
Automatic classification of cellular elements of solid tumors: application to DNA quantitation
Peter Valdemar Bagger, Morten Dyrved Christiansen & Hans Jørgen G. Gundersen
The number of metaphasic granulosa cells in isolated ovarian follicles estimated using the nucleator principle
Karsten Nielsen & Finn Lundbeck
Stereological analysis by use of Cavalieri’s principle of late change in mouse bladders after irradiation and chemotherapy
Lucie Kubínová & Zdena Zemanová
Stereological analysis of tubular cells in normal and dilated chick mesonephric nephrons
Otto Löw, Ulrich Gabler, Andreas Müller, Petra Gabler, Harald Schubert, Hans-Christoph Löw & Georg Machnik
Morphometry of connective tissue in rat livers
Petr Hach, Zuzana Jirsová & Zdenska Vernerová
Nuclear cytoplasmic ratio in epithelial cells of human oviduct

Stereology in biosciences: plant anatomy
Lucie Kubínová
Recent stereological methods for estimating leaf anatomical characteristics

Image analysis and mathematical morphology: mathematical morphology
Jean-Louis Chermant & Michel Coster
Role of mathematical morphology in filtering, segmentation and analysis
Michel Schmitt
Propagation function: towards constant time algorithms
Horst Wendrock & Roland Hübel
Characterization of microstructural anisotropy of steels by means of mathematical morphology
Jean-Michel Missiaen & Jean-Marc Chaix
Large scale point covariance analysis of homogeneity in TiB2-Fe composites
Gervais Gauthier, Jacques-Olivier Rebillon, Michel Coster & Eric Henault
Grey tone level images characterization by morphological functions: application to non planar surfaces
Eric Henault, Jean-Louis Chermant & Michel Coster
Simulation of the observed image on a relief: notion of transfer function

Image analysis and mathematical morphology: image analysis of fractal objects
Silvia Blacher & François Brouers
Multiscaling and multifractality in image analysis
Dominique Niorthe
Autocorrelation function: a good tool for fracture network analysis
Abdelmajid Badri, Gérard Touchard, Bruce Velde, Aïcha Badri Sahel & Jacques Borzeix
Image processing software for fractal analysis of fractures in rocks

Image analysis and mathematical morphology: image processing
Alain Trémeau, Maurice Calonnier & Bernard Laget
Color image understanding through a perceptual approach
Ivan Krekule & Ivan Saxl
Image analysis and stereology
Leszek Wojnar
On application of DTP software in image analysis
Gervais Gauthier, Jean-Louis Quenec'h, Michel Coster & Jean-Louis Chermant
Segmentation of grain boundaries in WC-Co cermets
Denis Pichon, Hervé Vivier, Marie Noelle Pons, Anissa Lounes & Ahmed Lebrihi
Characterization and growth monitoring of filamentous microorganisms by image analysis
Guy Courbebaisse
Time-frequency distribution and image processing: an application to the combustion field
Petr Karen, Lucie Kubínová, Miroslav Jirkovsky, Jindrich Mikulec, Petr Tsironis & Ivan Krekule
Computer primer for stereological applications
Nazha Selmaoui, Claire Leschi & Hubert Emptoz
A new approach to crest lines detection in grey level images
Stéphane Bres, Gérard Merle & Hubert Emptoz
Use of the Fourier transform for composite materials quality controls by image processing

Ute Hahn & Udo Lorz
On the precision of some stereological estimators for the model parameter of the spatial Poisson-Voronoi tessellation

Errata corrige