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Une géographie au fil de la vie

(52 (2009/1) - La géographie... ma géographie (hommage à B. Mérenne-Schoumaker))
Open Access

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Index de mots-clés : dynamique urbaine, méthodes quantitatives, mobilité socio-spatiale, recomposition territoriale, villes moyennes


Different stages have organized the professional life, in particular the College de France and the CNRS since 1975. Amongst several masters Maurice Le Lannou was the most important. But his classical influence did not prevent from using statistical and quantitative methods and more rigorous demonstrations, from using also a transdisciplinary posture. The research has been organized around the urban dynamics theme – mainly about socio-spatial mobility toward middle-sized towns –, and recombining territories according to the new technico-economic paradigm.

Index by keyword : middle-sized towns, quantitative methods, socio-spatial mobility, urban dynamics

Pour citer cet article

Nicole COMMERCON, «Une géographie au fil de la vie», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 52 (2009/1) - La géographie... ma géographie (hommage à B. Mérenne-Schoumaker), URL :

A propos de : Nicole COMMERCON

Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS

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