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Certaines caractéristiques de la migration extérieure (l'émigration) de la population bulgare

(32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine)
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Index de mots-clés : Bulgarie, migration extérieure (emigration), scientifiques bulgares


Huge changes in the number and the movement of the bulgarian population started before the large political change from 1989. In the 1986-1991 period the emigration encompassed more than 400,000 inhabitants. Reasons for the emigration after 1989 are only economical. In the same time, because of her geographical position, Bulgaria attracting more and more clandestine foreigners, because Bulgaria is along the road w West Europe. For the bulgarian society, most serious are the « brain-drain » losses. The numeric decrease of bulgarian scientiste is worrying. More than 4,500 of them have emigrated to West and today part of them are no more interested in knowledge.

Index by keyword : brain-drain, Bulgaria, emigration, scientist scholar

Pour citer cet article

Vesseline BOÏADJIEV, «Certaines caractéristiques de la migration extérieure (l'émigration) de la population bulgare», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL :

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