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Jean-Pierre HOUSSEL

Les perspectives de réhabilitation du patrimoine ordinaire en milieu rural en France

(32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine)
Open Access

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Index de mots-clés : France, milieu rural, patrimoine, traditions populaires


As in every country of peasant civilization, the ordinary patrimony, that is the one which is not classified in the monuments and historic sites and which little tourist appeal, abounds in France. Forsaken for a white, now it is given growing attention from the authorities as well as the public opinion. Consequently, several measurements of rehabilitation are taken, particularly in the countryside.

Index by keyword : France, local heritage, patrimony, rural environment

Om dit artikel te citeren:

Jean-Pierre HOUSSEL, «Les perspectives de réhabilitation du patrimoine ordinaire en milieu rural en France», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL :

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