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Des régions géographiques aux passages traditionnels et paysages culturels futurs

(32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine)
Open Access

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Index de mots-clés : classification de terrain, écologie du paysage, géographie régionale, paysage


The concepts of region and landscape always formed core ideas in the geographical thinking. As language is the best tool to express such holistic concepts, many early geographical studies were rather descriptive. The quantitative revolution of the New Orientation geography shifted the attention from holistic regions and landscapes to system analysis and modelling. Nevertheless, the use of these holistic ideas was continued by non-geographers, in particular soil scientists dealing with land evaluation and later on by landscape ecologists. New ideas in the functioning of systems in nature lead w a renewed interest of holism and to the study of landscape as the holistic expression of the complex hierarchical structured environment. Landscapes are studied in a more interdisciplinary way using new methods, although the natural sciences dominate the approach. Regions as such are not important objects of study any more, but the regional approach to study the environment becomes more important, in particular for applications in planning and land management. Recently, the cultural aspects, including the unique history of the development of a landscape, receive more attention.

Index by keyword : land classification, landscape, landscape ecology, regional geography

Pour citer cet article

Marc ANTROP, «Des régions géographiques aux passages traditionnels et paysages culturels futurs», Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège [En ligne], 32 (1996/1) - Recherches en Géographie Humaine, URL :

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