BASE BASE -  Volume 4 (2000)  Numéro 4 

Carbon stocks and sinks in forestry for the United Kingdom greenhouse gas inventory

Ronnie Milne
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Edinburgh). Bush Estate.Penicuik EH26 0QB.(United Kingdom). E-mail:
Maureen Murray
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Edinburgh). Bush Estate.Penicuik EH26 0QB.(United Kingdom).
Ken Hargreaves
Maureen Murray Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Edinburgh). Bush Estate.Penicuik EH26 0QB.(United Kingdom).


Afforestation in the UK has been significant and continuing since 1920 (up to 30,000 ha per year). Planting data is used to drive a dynamic process-based carbon accounting model (C-Flow) to estimate removals of atmospheric CO2 to these forests. It is assumed that the afforestation can be represented by the characteristics of Sitka spruce for conifers and beech for broadleaves. The present area of forest considered for these estimates is 1.6 Mha. In 1990 the uptake to trees, litter, soil and products was 2.6 TgC, rising to 2.8 TgC in 1998. Deforestation is believed to be small. Supporting measurements show that the model predicts long term uptake by conifers well but that losses from planted peat shortly after establishment need further consideration. Process modelling of beech growth suggests that it is primarily dependant on atmospheric CO2 concentration and not on stomatal control per se. UK research priorities relevant to preparation of GHG Inventories are presented.

Keywords : carbon sequestration, forest growth models, greenhouse gas inventory, United Kingdom

Para citar este artículo

Ronnie Milne, Maureen Murray & Ken Hargreaves, «Carbon stocks and sinks in forestry for the United Kingdom greenhouse gas inventory», BASE [En ligne], Volume 4 (2000), Numéro 4, 290-293 URL :