BASE BASE -  Volume 2 (1998)  Numéro 1 

La diversité naturelle des espèces ligneuses en tant que source de plantes ornementales

Jelena De Belder
Arboretum Kalmthout vzw, Kalmthout, Belgium


The natural diversity of woody species as a source of ornamental plants

The collection of the Kalmthout Arboretum contains 4 000 plants, representing 170 genera of woody plants and 240 genera of herbaceous plants. An additional 6 000 plants are kept on the site of Hemelrijk, in Essen. The material originated partly from other institutions but also from collecting trips in Japan, South and North Corea, Russia and China. A part of these introductions was evaluated or used for hybridizing with a view to produce woody plant cultivars of ornamental value, especially in the genera Hamamelis, Hydrangea, Prunus, Malus, Pyrus and Rhododendron. A large number of these new cultivars are now grown in commercial nurseries in Europe, North America and Japan.

Keywords : arboretum, Belgium, hybridization, ornamental woody plants, plant introduction

Pour citer cet article

Jelena De Belder, «La diversité naturelle des espèces ligneuses en tant que source de plantes ornementales», BASE [En ligne], Volume 2 (1998), Numéro 1, 65-71 URL :