- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 24 (2020)
- Numéro 3
Numéro 3
- Muhammad Arshad, Sajjad Ahmad, Ghulam Abbas Shah, Rab Nawaz & Shaukat Ali
Growth and yield performance of Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek influenced by altitude, nitrogen dose, planting pattern and time of sowing under sole and intercropping with maize - Amaury Gérard, Soundous El-Hajjaji, Els Van Coillie, Azeddine Bentaib, Georges Daube & Marianne Sindic
Survey on the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in Belgian artisanal cheeses - Arielle Vidal, Amandine Lurette, Marie-Odile Nozières-Petit, Éric Vall & Charles-Henri Moulin
The emergence of agroecological practices on agropastoral dairy farms in the face of changing demand from dairies - Isadora Martínez-Arellano, Patricia Severiano-Pérez, Francisco José Fernández, Héctor Escalona-Buendía & Edith Ponce-Alquicira
Relationship between protein markers and the sensory/physicochemical parameters of ovine meat during refrigerated storage - Cyrille Kanlindogbe, Emmanuel Sekloka, Valérien Amégnikin Zinsou & Armand Natta
Diversité des techniques et pratiques culturales du fonio (Digitaria exilis S.) en Afrique de l’Ouest (synthèse bibliographique) - Jean-Louis Doucet
Palabres autour des arbres : des discours sur leur intelligence aux dérives de l’anthropomorphisme