Antonella Baldi
- Anna Campagnoli, Claudia Paltanin, Giovanni Savoini, Antonella Baldi & Luciano Pinotti
- Combining microscopic methods and computer image analysis for lacunae morpho-metric measurements in poultry and mammal by-products characterization
- volume 13 (2009)numéro spécial
- Luciano Pinotti, Ashild Krogdahl, Ian Givens, Chris Knight, Antonella Baldi, Vincent Baeten, Leonard van Raamsdonk, Stephen Woodgate, Dolores Perez Marin & Joop Luten
- The role of animal nutrition in designing optimal foods of animal origin as reviewed by the COST Action Feed for Health (FA0802)
- Volume 18 (2014)numéro 4
- Anna Campagnoli, Luciano Pinotti, Gianluca Tognon, Federica Cheli, Antonella Baldi & Vittorio Dell’Orto
- Potential application of electronic nose in processed animal proteins (PAP) detection in feedstuffs
- Volume 8 (2004)Numéro 4
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