- Startpagina tijdschrift
- Volume 8 (2004)
- Numéro 4
Numéro 4
Elke Anklam & Pierre Dardenne
ÉditorialEtienne Thiry, Claude Saegerman, Laurence Xambeu & Julie Penders
Current status of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in ruminantsSally Gout, Hernan Valdivia, David Mc Dowell & Neil Harris
Detection of neuronal tissue in meat using tissue specific DNA modificationsPhilippe Vermeulen, Robert Oger, Michel Martinez, Vincent Baeten & Pierre Dardenne
Development of an Internet-based data explorer for a samples databases: the example of the STRATFEED projectLeo WD. van Raamsdonk, Jeroen Vancutsem, Jos Zegers, Geneviève Frick, Jan-Sten Jorgenson, Victor Pinckaers, Jaume Bosch & Inge Paradies-Severin
The microscopic detection of animal proteins in feedsLuciano Pinotti, Anna Campagnoli, Gianluca Tognon, Federica Cheli, Vittorio Dell’Orto & Giovanni Savoini
Microscopic method in processed animal proteins identification in feed: applications of image analysisAnna Campagnoli, Luciano Pinotti, Gianluca Tognon, Federica Cheli, Antonella Baldi & Vittorio Dell’Orto
Potential application of electronic nose in processed animal proteins (PAP) detection in feedstuffsDiana E. Hormisch
Traceability of processed animal proteins with varying texture in feed: determination with microscopic and polymerase chain reaction methodsAnna Castelló, Olga Francino, Betlem Cabrera, Javier Polo & Armand Sánchez
Identification of bovine material in porcine spray-dried blood derivatives using the Polymerase Chain Reaction techniqueKlaus Troeger
Overview of current and alternative slaughter practicesStephen Woodgate & Johan van der Veen
The role of fat processing and rendering in the European Union animal production industry