Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement/Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

1370-6233 1780-4507


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Stephen Woodgate & Johan van der Veen

The role of fat processing and rendering in the European Union animal production industry

(Volume 8 (2004) — Numéro 4)
Open Access

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This paper describes fat processing and rendering systems as it relates to the activities of the European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA). The paper is laid out in sections. Firstly a general section deals with all common aspects relating to the activities of EFPRAmembers. Secondly, specific issues are discussed with regard to a) fat processing, b) animal by-products not intended for human consumption. Finally, a summary is given, which concludes that given the state of science today; a) the activities of EFPRA members are vital to the sustainable operation of the animal livestock-food chain and to the environment ; b) the products from the industry may be regarded as safe if the following standards are applied – safe sourcing, safe processing, safe use ; c) the application of these principles will allow the re-entry of certain products manufactured by EFPRA members into the food chain.

Keywords : animal by-products, fat processing, food and feed industry, rendering

To cite this article

Stephen Woodgate & Johan van der Veen, «The role of fat processing and rendering in the European Union animal production industry», BASE [En ligne], Volume 8 (2004), Numéro 4, 283-294 URL :

About: Stephen Woodgate

European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA). Standing technical group. Greenleigh, Kelmarsh Rd. UK-LE 16 9RX Leicestershire (United Kingdom). E-mail :

About: Johan van der Veen

European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA). Standing technical group. Greenleigh, Kelmarsh Rd. UK-LE 16 9RX Leicestershire (United Kingdom).