Experimental investigation and optimization of thermal gradients by infrared welding
Henri Perrin, Noha-Lys Senoussaoui, Cécile Leroy Dubief and Régis Vaudemont
Temperature and contact pressure effects on the adhesion development of high performance thermoplastic composites
Julien Avenet, Steven Le Corre, Jean-Luc Bailleul and Arthur Levy
An Innovative Welding Solution For Polymer Films in Packaging: Effect of Process Parameters
Queen Tannous, Yves Bereaux, Pierre Mousseau, Anaïs Barasinski, Rémi Deterre, Yannick Madec and Clément Fourmaux
Effect of PEEK degradation on commingled fabrics consolidation
Lisa Feuillerat, Olivier De Almeida, Jean-Charles Fontanier and Fabrice Schmidt
3D printing of PLA and PMMA multilayered model polymers: an innovative approach for a better-controlled pellet multi-extrusion process
Mohamed Yousfi, Ahmed Belhadj, Khalid Lamnawar and Abderrahim Maazouz
Rapid tooling for injection molding inserts
Daniele Farioli, Matteo Strano, Francesco Briatico Vangosa, Veronica Geraldine Zaragoza and Andrea Aicardi
Estimation of Stress-Strain behavior of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) at different strain rates by Artificial Neural Network under simultaneous stretch scenario
Fei Teng, Gary Menary, Savko Malinov and Shiyong Yan
A Three-Dimensional Thermo-Chemical Characterization During the Whole Curing Cycle of a Carbon / Epoxy Prepreg
Rima Sfar Zbed, Vincent Sobotka and Steven Le Corre
Analysis of the sliding mechanics of NBR thread pattern
Roberto Spina, Luigi Maria Galantucci, Fulvio Lavecchia, Bruno Cavalcante, Thiago Doca and Cataldo De Luca
Generation and homogenization of foamed polymer RVEs: microstructure-mechanical properties relationship
Jean-Luc Bouvard, Shaoheng Feng, Florent Alexis, Marc Bernacki, Daniel Pino-Munoz, Alban Agazzi, Ronan Le Goff and Guillaume Drouel
Rheology and tribology: investigating the migration of small molecules in recycled agricultural waste multilayer films
Géraldine Cabrera, Gérard Pichon, Abderrahim Maazouz and Khalid Lamnawar
Relationship Between Crystallization, Mechanical and Gas Barrier Properties of Poly(ethylene furanoate) (PEF) in Multinanolayered PLA-PEF and PET-PEF Films
Alain Guinault, Tiphaine Messin, Gilbert Anderer, Stefan Krawielitzki, Cyrille Sollogoub, Sebastien Roland, Anne Grandmontagne, Patrice Dole, Jean-Mario Julien, Catherine Loriot and Thierry Vincelot
Modeling the reactive PA6 flow for LCM processes
William Han, Quentin Govignon, Arthur Cantarel, Cédric Samuel and Fabrice Schmidt
Melt strengthening of polylactic acid and its blends: Shear and elongation rheological investigations of the forming process
Abderrahim Maazouz and Khalid Lamnawar